Mar 18, 2021

🚩🤖📅 ~ (Surviving "Carbon purge" & Transhumanism: "uploading" globalists consciousness into machines') How to survive the engineered extermination... it's here (NN) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Situation Update, Mar. 17th: How to survive the engineered EXTERMINATION of the human race🤛] ... A far-fetched storyline!?... Yes I agree, to some extent, like Benjamin Fulford reports, reading or listen to them, should probably be done with a large grain of salt. Buuuutt, there's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to fact check. Like Mike Adams, SoTW have been in the "game" for a looong time, but have a more "spiritual approach", not a end-of-the-world preppers (but have silver coins in stock of course)... Right now, it looks pretty bad and "Corona Corporations" seems to win over most "Earthlings" who refuse to "think" for themselves and are "programmed" by media and govt... However, at the end, the LIGHT will always win over DARKNESS... I know it sounds stupid or corny to say it like that, we need to trust, that enough people wakes up and fight for their own rights, freedom and own believes, and not just acting like "Zombies", who can smell and follow that blood tray whenever a "Politician" or "Health Authority" are demanding us to do the "right thing"... |


How to survive the engineered extermination... it's here

Mike Adams

To understand why the globalists are actively working to exterminate the entire human race, you have to first understand their plans for themselves. They believe in transhumanism and think they're going to transition from carbon-based life to silicon-based life by "uploading" their consciousness into machines.

To control all the resources, they are working to exterminate all carbon-based lifeforms, including human beings. And the vaccine is all about spreading mass death and achieving global extermination.

I believe they will succeed in killing billions, but they will ultimately fail in their larger goal. This means there will be many human survivors.

In today's podcast, I explain how to survive the "carbon purge" and keep your soul and your body intact, even if the world crumbles around you.

Today's article and podcast offer a powerful, ultimately optimistic message about overcoming mass death and emerging victorious against unbelievable odds.

See the full article and podcast here.

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