Mar 17, 2021

✨ ~ 💗 (Decree to speed up THE EVENT) Urgent meditation for Denmark and other suppressed countries ranked according to their level of COVID-freedom (SoTW) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👐I suggest we use 0010110 Decree guided audio - English (by WLMM) and Cobra (RM) to speed up THE EVENT & 'Smaly7''s Daily Buddhic Column🙇‍♂️] ... At one time, we had a amazing woman, Gitte, who did all the danish translations at Sisterhood Of The Rose - Denmark, but the group kinda got dissolved after she had acute cancer symptoms and many are still in prayer meditation sessions for her, survival. Feel free to join, SoTW is (kinda) still admin to SoTR-DK, but all my attention goes to this blog ( Right now we need to set, Nanna Skov Høpfner and Vivian Anita Alexandru, free from prison and for possible life sentence charges and of course, all other very "normal" and law abiding citizens, like you and me, standing up for their freedom, free will and free choices, and doing the truth... So BE it, and so it IS, I AM!... 🥳🎐😔PS: Oh yeah! Picture below was supposed to be 'reopening party' (genåbningsfest) March 11, 2021, with many many thousands of people, from the whole country, but was shut down in stead, due to rain and wind factor at The Great Belt Bridge (Storebælt). SoTW thinks, like, Vivian Anita Alexandru, however, that it was all "planned" ('The force majeure that has closed the bridge says that there is a large-scale wind, just as the media reports that covid-19 kills many people' ~ Vivian)... |

  • I call upon the Highest Aspect of my I AM Presence to send a Heart-felt Clarion Call to Source and the Pleroma/Galactic Central Sun! 
  • As part of the Collective of the 144,000 Starseeds on Liberation-Earth Mission I command and decree action to be taken to speed up the Phase Transition Event and trigger it as soon as possible. 
  • As a Starseed on Earth, I now decree from my Heart-Center my readiness to graduate to a Higher Dimension of LOVE, JOY, PEACE and ABUNDANCE, ON THE MOST POSITIVE TIMELINE FOR ALL BEINGS IN THE MULTIVERSE. 
  • Collectively, we ask Source to speed up the Activation of Operation Phoenix by the Light Forces and to assist in removing all negative energies, entities, exotic weaponry, and dark beings from all planes of existence, thus ending the planetary occupation of Earth by dark forces forever! 
  • I ask for this transition to happen as swiftly and peacefully as possible, freeing ALL beings and Shifting us unto the Golden Age of the new Atlantis I ask to manifest a world with Abundance of FREEDOM, JOY, FOOD, WATER, HEALTH, WEALTH OF ALL KINDS For EVERYONE.
  • I ask to manifest the release of free energy devices, medical devices, and all suppressed technologies to assist humankind. 
  • I ask to manifest First Contact, to become part of the Galactic Confederation and take our rightful place as a Spacefaring Race. 
  • I ask to be reunited with my Soul Family and Brothers and Sisters, Ancestors of the Light
  • With Deep Gratitude, I ask that ALL requests be answered swiftly. 
  • So BE it, and so it IS, I AM!

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