Mar 27, 2021

💊🕳️🐇~ (Clinton Found., Obama, Walmart, 25M WW Child Sex Trafficking) Let's talk about those nasty creepy rumors and the ship stucked in the Suez Canal (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Looking at the photos on the news outlets, plus massive global economic consequences, makes it really hard to buy the 'Stuck' story. The canal is 79 feet deep. The Port of Miami is 92 feet deep. Ships don't get stuck in water that deep! Hundreds of ships were waiting for the blockade to end and rescue could take weeks. There was also a US “Military Exercise” in the Suez Canal area and it was said that the US and Russia were causing the blockade👈]... 😵‍💫Rumor has it -- 'Ever Given' or 'Evergreen' (Hillary’s Secret Service codename as 1st lady) cargo ship stuck in the Suez C[anal] is being used by Hillary Clinton (H3RC) for child sex trafficking. This has #pizzagate 2.0 written all over it. Tugboats 'Baraka1' and 'Mosaed3' that came to rescue the vessel are also a nod to Barack Obama and the Israeli intelligence.⁣..❌ "QAnon rumors" yes, yes I know, but it also comes straight out of the horse's mouth, more or less, by Dr. Charlie Ward & Tom Numbers (video March 25, 2021)... Plus Dutch police discover 'underworld' prison with torture chamber in shipping containers... 📰RT, former Russia Today, an gigant online newspaper with academics, fact-checkers, and news reporters, founded by the Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti, has put out same news story... 🤫Restored Republic via a GCR: Special Report as of March 26, 2021 (Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces) links to The True that says the same thing... 💯(25 million people are trafficked worldwide) -- In 2016, human trafficking activist group Polaris reported learning about 8,042 cases of human trafficking in the U.S. — a 35 percent increase from the previous year. More than 31,650 total cases of human trafficking have been reported to the National Human Trafficking Hotline in the past decade... NOW, you be the judge... |

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