Feb 25, 2021

πŸ‘€πŸ€”πŸ•΅️‍♂️ ~ (CIA-Creation-'Obama' - you have no idea) JUAN O SAVIN | THE REAL STORY OF THE OBAMAS AND EPSTEIN (Forbiddenknowledgetv) ~ | Blogger: PS: Rumor has it, that Obama's are the real DS assets who runs chinese controlled America, right now... We could even go further to say, and very solid evidence from many sources that claims, Basiago, worked in classified joint CIA and DARPA run projects dealing with time travel and Mars teleportation technologies. The Project’s main purpose was to gather intelligence from past and future world events, including the election of upcoming Presidents. "So, Barack Obama was not only aware of his Presidency when we were being trained in 1980, when he was 19 years old – and just turned 19 in August of ’80 – but when we were rooming together briefly, a couple of days – at the College of the Siskiyous. He was reading briefing documents that they were giving him to groom him for the Presidency." (Basiago + Salla)... If you truly believe, that (Secret) Space Programs exist... |



Pictures of President Obama when he was young and with his mother, at the airport, with his grandparents on the bench and many other pictures; those pictures are all photoshopped.

All of those pictures are photoshopped. That entire history of President Obama, who had this young life and with Grandma and Grandpa and Mom and everybody else, they’re not true. They’re not real.

And great analysts; people with real skill sets have looked at those pictures and concluded that the majority of the pictures we’re presented about Obama’s young life are absolutely false.

That’s an important point. Why would you have to falsify that kind of imagery or information? Because, they’re trying to present a story, a myth and to get you to go along with it. It’s not even just about believing it. They’re giving you reasons for believing the rest of what they’ve said.

Obama’s mother was an operative, an asset, in the control of; working for CIA. Obama’s grandparents were active participants in CIA and FBI covert intelligence-gathering operations and in protecting intelligence assets such as De Marcos [?], monitoring Frank Marshall Davis.

The daughter, President Obama’s mother was, as a teenager, as a pre-adult, a young woman, 16- to 17 years old, modeling in Frank Marshall Davis’ sex magazine; trying to go head-to-head with Hugh Hefner and Playboy – same people funding him but far less successful.

And his wasn’t the [unintelligible] rather mundane topless photos of Playboy and a little bit risquΓ©. His were far more dark; sexual masochistic scenes and domination scenes.

He had Obama’s mother, as a young teen who was doing things that we’re talking about, now with the young girls that were tied to Jeffrey Epstein.

And again, who was running Jeffrey Epstein? That was an intelligence operative working for multiple intelligence agencies, not just the CIA, not just Mossad, but MI6, also.

This was a joint venture, in order to create honeypots, in order to manipulate and control people. And by bringing people like Prince Andrew into the equation, it’s not so much to, for example to control Prince Andrew, not at all.

It was about him [Andrew] bringing other people with him and making them feel that since he’s doing it, they could do it, also without a problem. And then they’re trapped, and then they’ve got these pictures. He [Andrew] was in on this, as part of the honey trap operation.

So, when we go to these images of Obama as a youth, they are presenting you with the narrative that was concocted; that was created by people in the intelligence arena, in order to fool the American People.

Those images weren’t created, doctored, manufactured back in the ’60s. Those images were created in the late ’70s early ’80s.

That’s when the people decided to use Obama, both to get him into the senatorship and then having been successful to that point, throwing caution to the wind and running him all the way to the Presidency.

He was a tool. Somebody’s creation for their intelligence- and manipulating operation, to put this New World Order agenda or theme, their quest, their goal.

And of course, what was really going on is the creation of Brennan. Brennan was creating these false histories. That was his job over at CIA. That’s why he’s rewarded, both with being put in charge, as Station Chief in Saudi Arabia and later, as Director of CIA. He could protect Obama’s true history, protect the lies, the illusion; while Obama himself was just a sockpuppet being used by people behind the scenes; these high priests of the New World Order, to complete the task ahead for them; to have planetary control for Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, himself.

These are Satan worshipers. These are very evil people. How evil do they have to be, to glibly, lightly take young children, male and female and prostitute them, like has been done with the Jeffrey Epstein thing?

He was an operative of intelligence agencies, not just CIA, not just MI6 but Mossad, also. Once you kind of understand that, that these people, themselves are being used in this bigger global operation, is it restricted to them? Of course not!

Hollywood, itself is filled with people, who their parentage, their lineage is not indicative – not what it’s presented to be; who are from very influential families, very wealthy families, where these bloodlines are handed down the pivotal influence positions in the international theater to their offspring; people who’ve made pacts with the Devil.

And in fact, it’s become a threshold thing for people to have success in Hollywood. Have they made their pact with the Devil? We have not just a few; not just tens – but hundreds of people in the entertainment industry, in the news media industry who have even been opened, where they’re on tape, they’re on video, acknowledging that they made a pact with the Devil; that they HAD to make a pact with the Devil for success.[Bob] Dylan saying he’s “keeping up his end of the bargain” and doing what he’s promised to do for success, for notoriety, for fame; selling their souls to save themselves for Eternity.


MALIK OBAMA (BARACK’S BROTHER): He was nobody, you know and all of a sudden he’s the President, so there had to be some kind of somebody or something that set him up for that and I think Hillary Clinton is part of that.

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