The Spark that Went Out
I grew up in the ’70s. I remember so much about that time and how my camp counselors tried so hard to hold on to what little remained of the magic that defined the ’60s. Peace and love became the theme of that generation and they started a worldwide cultural revolution. There was a rise and spread of student movements across many parts of the industrialized world. There was a growing number of young people protesting racial injustice, war, and police brutality, notably on the left. It was the first time in history when we saw the public at large experimenting in alternative ways to achieve higher consciousness. The influence of eastern mysticism and shamanism started to bleed through into American culture. There was a massive wave of peace activists, environmentalists, and free thinkers. It was a time when Americans believed in free love, world peace, and spiritual wisdom. Their spark had all the momentum. The energy of a whole generation was winning over the forces of evil. It grew so bright; it almost engulfed the entire world. But sadly, some unknown force took away all of its oxygen and slowed its momentum, until all that was left was a dim shimmering light that faded in the wind and then finally went out.
Now, 60 years later, a whole new wave of young activists has emerged. People all over the world are starting to develop a genuine concern for the planet, its ecosystem, and its people. A conscious revolution is re-emerging once again. It is a new spark of consciousness where people are feeling their oneness and are opening their eyes to a more universal spirituality.
Now, 60 years later, a whole new wave of young activists has emerged. People all over the world are starting to develop a genuine concern for the planet, its ecosystem, and its people. A conscious revolution is re-emerging once again. It is a new spark of consciousness where people are feeling their oneness and are opening their eyes to a more universal spirituality.
From Freedom to Fascism
Sadly, we are seeing right before our eyes, this new age of awakening being crushed once again by the same forces that killed it the first time. I didn’t think they could stop our momentum this time. We were so strong and riding on a new wave of spirituality and metaphysics without the drugs and cigarettes. Who would have thought that so many people who practice yoga, meditation, wellness, self-love, organic foods, supporting clean energy and sustainability, would move over to the other side? The same side that stomped out that light and everything they stood for and fought for during the love generation? Who would have thought that the new age spiritualists and hippies, would turn against their own beliefs and support the side that is anti-everything; anti-Muslim, anti-homosexuality, anti-trans rights, anti-equality, anti-immigration, pro-nationalism, and pro-America first.
How did I lose so many of my friends to the side that is always putting profit before the planet? What has changed? Was it the influx of conspiracy theories? Because we already believed in a healthy chunk of conspiracy theories and it didn’t turn us backward before. So why now? Sure, most of us believed that 9/11 was an inside job, or that there is probably a deep state behind the world governments who control things behind the scenes; who use their power to start and stop wars, manipulate the stock market and elections, and control the media. That’s not new! So what changed? What happened to my loving progressive liberals and Bernie followers who believed in non-violence, the preservation of the Earth, the Green New Deal, and ending racism? What happened? How did you turn from spiritual to supporting four more years of Trump authoritarianism? How do you go from a Jedi Master to a callous villain who cuts down his victims with meanness, injustice, and truculence?
Somehow, Trump’s New Age followers, health, and yoga supporters manage to ignore his cult of hate, his abusive attacks on people of color, and his denigration of women. I never thought I would see the day when people with names like Shanti and OM are flooding their social media walls with hate rhetoric and fear-mongering against other Americans that lean toward the left. They believe a pathological liar who tells them that Antifa, (a group of anti-racists who engage in protest tactics, seeking to combat fascists and racists such as neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other far-right extremists) is an un-American terrorist organization! Being against fascism used to be cool before this president. What happened to us?
The Mark of the Q
How many people are divided over the politicized pandemic issue; the mask or no-mask issue, the sex-trafficking issue? Did you get lost down the infamous QAnon wormhole? Do you think Trump is some secret mastermind of a good person who intentionally looks terrible but secretly does good in the world to go after the cabal? Do you think that he is just inciting fear and demonizing fellow American citizens to distract us from his Godly role? How did he convince you that he is the savior, the one who can rid us of the evil? QAnon, the pro-trump, conspiracy group who is against human trafficking (who isn’t?) believe that Trump was on the verge of exposing “Pizzagate” “Pedogate” which involved not only Hillary but Oprah, Tom Hanks, the Democrats, and Liberals; who not only want to kidnap and rape infants and children but eat them too, for their life-extending chemicals from the children’s blood. In essence, it’s all about fear, the tactic used by Trump to gain votes. The tactic Hitler used to gain support. Fear of the Liberals, fear of Democrats. fear of immigrants, fear of socialists, fear of the other.
What changed you? Pedophilia? Trump signing a bill combating human sex trafficking is great but it was congress that helped create this bill…and more importantly, as good of an effort as this is, consider the fact that maybe this strategic effort on his part, is a distraction from his own deep ties to Epstein. Trump socialized with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and you can even see videos all over Youtube of the two laughing together looking at young girls. Yet QAnon designates Trump as the “Anti-Sex Trafficking Reformer. Child abuse is obviously a very triggering issue for many people, which is exactly why it is being used as a tool to manipulate people’s emotions. Who doesn’t care about the well being of children? Cambridge Analytica is a company that Trump hired in 2015 to study the psychological profile of everybody on Facebook to see what they most hate; (sex trafficking, 5G, etc.) we now know from the recent documentaries, “The Social Dilema” and “The Great Hack” that Facebook’s AI is solely responsible for spreading all the fake news and conspiracy theories to millions of people, forever keeping them engaged, triggered and divided. QAnon is smart enough to use #Savethechildren, and #Saveourchildren. It’s ironic because, under the Trump Administration, inhumane and unconscionable cruelty is being committed to children on our borders. Watch the recent new mini-series “Immigration Nation” (if you have a strong stomach) There is no doubt about it, Q is disinformation warfare of the most horrific kind.
Anonymous mask, Guy Fawkes, V for Vendetta
Ever wonder where Qanon got their ideas? Does anyone remember the 2005 movie V for Vendetta? The movie is set in an alternative future where a white supremacist and neo-fascist totalitarian regime has subjugated the United Kingdom. On top of that (better sit down for this one), The United States lies fractured as a result of a prolonged second civil war and a pandemic. (I know, it’s chilling) There’s more: A group called “Anonymous” came into the public eye shortly after the film, using the symbol of Guy Fawkes (lead character) mask as its modus operandi. They were an international activist/hacktivist collective/movement that was widely known for its various cyber attacks against several governments, government institutions, and government agencies. Anonymous’s media profile diminished in the late 2010s. Did Anonymous re-emerge as Qanon? Or did Qanon steal the idea? Is Q borrowing bits and pieces from Hollywood movies to string a creative web of lies and conspiracies to get Trump re-elected? Adrenochrome, the blood of a human adrenal gland that Q conspiracy theorists believe the “Democrats and Celebrities” are drinking during their Satanic ritual practices, is pure fiction and was created from the mind of Hunter S. Thompson and taken straight out of the movie’s book adaptation, “Fear and Loathing”.
Johny Depp taking Adrenochrome in “Fear and Loathing”
I became involved in the conscious community in Los Angeles back in the early 2000s. I attended seminars, workshops, lectures, conscious life expos, and holistic festivals for many years. I was so inspired by the collective unity, love, and spirituality flaring up around me that I even made a film about it, and it was picked up for major distribution. I remember attending a David Wilcox talk that was pushing the theory that Hollywood was controlled by the Illuminati and their Satanic symbolism was everywhere. I didn’t see it. Especially, since Hollywood films had been one of my great spiritual teachers. So many films from the great masters like George Lucas, Stephen Spielberg, and James Cameron opened up my mind and awakened me to see the world with more Universal eyes. I like David but I can see clearly now that his conspiracy talks only added more fuel to the Illuminati deep state fear narrative that Q uses as their red pill. David gained a lot of popularity in new age circles, especially since he talked about off-world secret space programs that appealed to so many. The fear of Satan from some of his Illuminati talks just didn’t resonate with me. If my spiritual path taught me anything it was to turn away from ridicule, condemnation, or fear. It was one guy’s opinion that the whole community accepted. That’s not how it works! Somehow, David’s Satanic Hollywood Pedophile madness found it’s way into the Qanon narrative.
And then there was Alex Jones. An American far-right radio show host, and conspiracy theorist who began to spread the narrative on his Infowars show — (that the government has orchestrated attacks throughout history. 9/11, JFK assassination, and more.) It’s not surprising that Donald Trump took up an interest in this stuff as an “outsider” coming into politics. Again, we all believed this stuff already and it didn’t turn us into cult followers. So why now? In 2016, Bernie Sanders came along and lifted the veil over the whole corrupt establishment. He preached love and compassion, and the taking down of the corporate greed in politics; Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry, fossil fuel industry, and the insurance companies. But so many new agers are switching from Bernie to Trump anyway. Did I miss something?
The End of the Conscious Revolution
Is the new age of consciousness over? Will it die at the end of 2020 as it did in 1969? Is this how democracy dies; with hate and conspiracy theories against liberals? We are treading down a dangerous road. There are many articles out on social media and warnings about how Germany’s New age movement began to overlap with fascist idealism and convinced millions of people to support genocide. Hitler convinced millions of people to go along with his racial purification plan and he did this by blaming the “other” for the downfall of their society. Hitler even convinced the masses that the Jews were Satan-worshiping pedophiles. Sound familiar? I think it’s important that we shine some light on our past and learn from history because hate, xenophobia, and conspiracy theories will only lead to our destruction.
The Nazis used their Bible, and flag as symbols of hatred…they galvanized a nation behind a false savior who promised them salvation. Hitler’s narcissism made him crave supernatural confirmation of his destiny. He felt that he was sent to Germany by God to pull them from despair and unify the German Empire, to make Germany great again. Hitler’s occult followers believed he was a spiritual leader and prophet. When Hitler (shocked the nation) and became Chancellor, he then gained full total Dictatorial power over Germany. The first thing he did was create a Jew Ban. Then he initiated the systematic extermination of those he deemed racially, morally, physically, and mentally inferior — this included, immigrants, Gypsies, Communists, homosexuals, and people who were ill or diseased. Hate propaganda was disseminated through newspapers, posters, movies. To further his agenda of hate and to further manipulate the masses he accused Jews of pedophilia and even accused them of killing innocent children, and using their blood for ritual purposes. Hitler became a symbol for the person they had been waiting for to take on the system and go after the cabal and financiers of world wars. It placed him above the day-to-day politics of the regime and separated him from the usual politicians.
Today Hitler’s manipulation of the media is copied by many dictators all over the world using the power of hatred and conspiracies. So successful was Hitler’s manipulation of information that even when his beloved third Reich came tumbling down around him, many of his followers didn’t see it. Even during the last week of World War II half the population still believed that Hitler was a good man and was good for Germany. Hitler created a movement of hatred and racial purity, he used mass media to create blatant hatred and state-sponsored terrorism. My hope is that you take this as a reminder, a warning sign- that even during our great height in evolution as a species, Hitler showed us how low we can go in our consciousness by being caught up in a web of hate and conspiracies and it took us all the way to the point of genocide. History certainly does have a way of repeating itself if we let it.
Religion Divides. Spirituality Unites
Whether you believe the pandemic reporting is a hoax or not, or the virus was man-made or not, and whether Bill Gates is trying to save the humans or reduce their population — it’s important that we don’t let Trump and Q divide us. We must stay united as one conscious community. If we don’t, our light will go out. If our light goes out, it may take another 60 years to re-spark it again. It may be the only way we can stop history from repeating itself and prevent another civil war or even racial genocide. I’m not right or left. It is all an illusion to me. I believe there are only two types of people on the planet. There are those who live in fear and those who don’t. There are those who have compassion for others and those who don’t. Which one are you?
We are still in a very primitive stage in our evolution. Man has misinterpreted the original teachings of many world religions. Genocidal wars have been fought over man’s literal interpretation of their sacred texts. People have even been burned as witches and heretics, on the presumed authority of man-made doctrines of Christianity. If you hate or want to destroy others because of a different color, nationality, political party, or spiritual belief or because of what one man or cyber group is telling you to believe, then you are not being spiritual! You are living in constant ignorance and fear of “the other”.
You can’t blame Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants, Democrats, or Republicans for our broken system. It is broken because it has become corrupt by the corporate greed on both sides. A President is supposed to represent all Americans not piss on the Constitution. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” That is the second paragraph of the United States Declaration of Independence. Our constitution gives all human beings the right to Spiritual Liberty and the Right and freedom to explore and pursue higher consciousness according to their own mode of choice. Our forefathers worked very hard to unite this country not turn it into the Divided States of America. A great leader is someone who unites the masses not divides them!
I understand that people are scared that their way of life as they know it is falling apart. Some believe that they will lose their gas-guzzling black smoking trucks, their guns, or their freedoms to liberals. Some think they will lose their clean air, water, or health to conservatives. Man has been blaming “the other” for centuries. The source of happiness resides within us but man has always searched for it outside and has blamed the other for his problems. The fear of socialism, capitalism, communism, or fascism is not really the issue here. In this country, it is always going to sway back and forth and eventually come to balance. That’s what America was set up for. Capitalism without a little Socialism can turn into Fascism. Socialism without Capitalism can turn into communism. So you don’t have to judge other Americans. Our country is made up of Americans of many different races, religions, and national origins. Criticizing or condemning anyone based on their race, religion or national origin is just un-American. Just because the 1st amendment allows you to spew hate rhetoric doesn’t make it right! The first amendment is about “freedom of speech” not “freedom to spread hate”.
Love vs Hate
If you are on a spiritual path or if you want to raise your consciousness, use your feelings to propel you forward to follow the path of love before you choose to align yourself with groups that hate. In Star Wars, fear and anger is what poisoned the minds of Jedis and turned them to the dark side. Be aware that the dark side has a way of disguising itself and entering into the minds of good people to accomplish its means. Fear nothing. Hate no one. Give love to all.
I believe that war, poverty, pollution, prejudice, and human injustice are still going on today because we currently live in a world where separation and division rule the collective consciousness. This separation consciousness has caused man to identify with his religion causing a worldwide distortion of spirituality. I’m not saying that religion is bad. In the wrong hands, it has been used to organize, divide, and conquer in the name of spirituality. It is a very sad thing when you see individuals who claim to be Patriots and Christians waving Confederate and Nazi flags. (Both armies that America defeated!) If you think you can attach God with country then you have no idea what God is. God wouldn’t see the imaginary borders that we have drawn in on a paper map. God would not favor one country over another. The division of land into countries is a man-made concept! The division of America into states is a pure illusion! God would see the Earth and all its people as one. Anandamayi Ma said, “the individual suffers because he perceives Duality. Find THE ONE everywhere and in everything and there will be an end to pain and suffering.”
I believe in us. I have hope for humanity. I believe that the day will come when we finally awaken and shift to a new consciousness of an all-encompassing reality, in which people feel their oneness with everything. On that day, we will end all wars between nations and people. We will use principles of non-violence to settle disputes. We will preserve the Earth and protect this planet by shifting its inhabitants to the consciousness of love, peace, and unity. We will end all harassment, discrimination, and prejudice based on race, religion, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation. We will reduce pollution and create cleaner alternative systems for a more sustainable distribution of resources, and provide their benefits more uniformly to all the world’s people. The Ramayana says, “Every being is God’s incarnation but caught up in the snare of his own illusions…He does not know his own self…and the Divinity within”. You either believe that the material world is real or you see beyond appearances to the eternal self living in all beings. And there lies the problem. We live on a religious planet and not a spiritual one. Religion and cult influences are still dividing us. Everybody thinks that they are right. Man is still twisting the teachings of their prophets for their own egoistic designs.
Different creeds are but different paths to reach the same God. We must set aside the old ego-driven idea that there is only one true way. In other words, real spirituality is seeing a divine spark in everyone without needing to claim that there is only one true path to God. The meaning of “spirituality” is universal. It can be grasped by the entire human race as a collective. Religion cannot. Whatever your political preference is, whatever path you practice to realize God, whatever country you were born in, whatever color your skin is, if you truly want to evolve your consciousness and make the world a better place, you have to stop blaming others and love every single human being on the planet. And… “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” This is very important to understand because hate will always lead to destruction. I’m not blaming Trump for the current situation we are in. The Presidents we elect are a reflection of the people who voted them into office. If the majority of the people in our nation are xenophobes, then they will put in the presidency a person who hates.
It is very simple to exit Q hate groups and recover from fear-based thinking: Carl Sagan said it well. He said to just imagine yourself looking down on the Earth from a distant place in the universe. You are watching history unfold century after century. Look at the humans, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that they could become the momentary masters of a piece of land. Our imagined self-importance, a delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe are challenged by this minuscule speck of pale light. “It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.”
Michael Perlin is the Filmmaker of the documentary, “3 Magic Words”, and author of “Fantastic Adventures in Metaphysics, his life long passion has been to find new and creative ways to merge art and enlightenment.
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