May 22, 2020

πŸš₯ ~ πŸ’— FLASH OF TRUTH GOOD THINGS ARE COMING 5/21 (description box) πŸ’• ~ | Blogger: Thanks to Aluna Ash 9D for sharing... Actually what Aluna is discussing is for me, how to connect & raise the color-vibration-soundwaves of the collective consciousness as a whole by (mass) meditation form. A visualization of astral colors represents the varying forms and degrees of higher angelic light rays, that helps the thought-energy-field, for improving quality of life, peace, gratitude and oneness, expanding it around the world... A little bit similar to Cobra's 'Buddhic Column Meditation'... But I could be very wrong... Listen to more... |

#Awakening #SolarActivity #TheEvent

I will figure out the times across the world that align with of 4pm Eastern Time soon and post! The days I am able to jump on and do a quick livestream at 4pm, I will. Metaphysical Groups, Secret Societies, Saints, Mystics, Monks, Mystery Schools would do this & still do- work on the Spiritual & Mental Planes at the same time, for months to build a Thought-Field. (READ MORE)

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