Feb 20, 2020

🕵️‍♂️ ~ Aljazeera: German far-right group was 'plotting Christchurch-style attack' ~ | Blogger: [👳11, 13 and 33: The illuminati / Freemason Signature🤘] ... According to LSM media outlets, 11 dead after shootings in Hanau, Germany. The German authorities suspect that the perpetrator had a highly radical motive... And now the shooters have conveniently killed himself (dead men don't talk). .. Sorry, I really must STOP these ‘crackpot’ theories... Normal template of a 'staged' TERROR INCIDENT(bogeyman:) --- 👳Immediate comprehensive narrative & national news coverage, including a convenient culprit (easily identified by saturation media coverage) - once again a “lone wolf” male attacker - recently CONVERTED TO ISLAM (or WHITE SUPREMACY - on psychedelic drugs). Sounding Muslim name - big dark eyes, prominent noses, distinctive large black beard - affiliated with either ISIS or Al-Nusra - terrorist shouted Allahu Akbar - likely radicalized inside US (wherever) and STRONG supporting Islamic State (IS) 👳 --- ... A "false flag" is an act, often a terrorist act, which is committed by one group (govt entity or intelligence services) with the intention of discrediting another group, which is blamed for it... |

Source (Aljazeera.com)

Concerns rise as more details emerge about men who wanted to carry out large-scale, deadly attacks against Muslims.

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