Dec 20, 2020

πŸ†πŸ€–πŸ΄‍☠️ ~ (People Farm Transhumanism) MAX IGAN - “2020 WAS THE BETA TEST“ + WHAT TO EXPECT IN 2021? (TheCrowHouse) ~ | Blogger: Besides a few minutes where MI goes berserk, great videocast to show people what's really going on - the beginning of the end game... In the looooong line of claims made by MI about this Corona Agenda, he's mentioning The Christchurch Shooting... And for the listeners or readers, i truly believe on, the March 15th Christchurch Massacre, was in fact, a FALSE FLAG, I have seen the shooters video, (looked like one of my xbox one games) later censored and you can now go to prison, for watching it. If you want to investigate the hole (claimed) FF ops., go in and look at James Fetzer claims and other contributers to Veterans Today. Why do I talk about the NZ shooting, because , Jacinda Ardern named among most powerful women in world, ahead of Queen Elizabeth New Zealand Prime Minister phone call to congratulate, on the corona handling (of one of the WORST lockdowns and restrictions in the world). You see, the Cabal for a better word, is protecting each other... |


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