Dec 10, 2020

🕉️ ~ 💗 (Nanotechnology Warfare Ashtar Command ready to intervene) Interview with Cobra for the Age of Aquarius Final Activation ~ We Love Mass Meditations (Cobra + WLMM + TheEarthPlan) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉What I heard from Cobra is there's a "Nanotechnology Warfare" going on in regards to the Coronavirus👈]... Cobra: 📑Unfortunately the situation with coronavirus is connected with the war on the nanotechnology levels. So Light Forces have their own nanotechnology which tries to remove the virus. And dark forces have their own nanotechnology, which supports the spreading of the virus. So this whole pandemic thing has been ongoing for longer than Light Force have expected, but we are getting closer to the herd immunity. And when the herd immunity comes, it will be much sooner than... It will be unexpected for most of so-called experts on the planet, which are spreading fear and have an agenda, which is the control of human population. So there are some surprises about the coronavirus, which will happen when the time is right.📑".. "📑Cobra: The motherships of the Ashtar command have repositioned themselves throughout the solar system with the final purpose of planetary liberation for planet Earth. So they are now in their final positions and they are ready to transmit energies that are triggering the Event and they are ready to... They're using their advanced technologies, Mjolnir technology and other technologies to remove the remaining darkness on the planet.📑"... |

Cobra mentions entities posing as Ascended Master and giving channellings ~ I would like to also caution that entities also pose as Galactic beings. Secondly (because I get asked) my view is that the new Divine Architecture is/will be Triality-based (Lotus) and not Duality-based (Flower of Life), and I've written quite extensively about this before so I won't repeat. In addition, when I see the Sun Codes, they are Tri-Wave in nature. ~ theearthplan blog

Source: We Love Mass Meditations

We Love Mass Meditation, International Golden Age Group and Prepare for Change Japan Official had organized an interview with Cobra in order to raise the awareness of the Age of Aquarius Final Activation on December 21st at 6:22 PM UTC. In this interview, Cobra gave his view on a number of topics such as the current planetary situation and the importance of this upcoming meditation.

Here is the recording of the interview on our YouTube channel:

Special thanks to the International Golden Age Group and Prepare for Change Japan Official for their great support on this interview.

Below is the transcript of the interview:

--- Beginning of the transcript ---

Hoshino: Hello, everyone. Today is the 2nd of December, 2020. My name is Hoshino and I'm here with my great friends, Patrick and Jedi who are the representative of the international Golden Age Group (IGAG) as well as Terry and NOGI from PFC Japan Official. So Welcome Patrick and Jedi.

Jedi: Hi, we are so honored to join.

Hoshino: And welcome Terry and NOGI.

Terry: Thank you for the opportunity to interview Cobra.

Hoshino: As many of you have already learned about the age of Aquarius Final activation on the 21st of December, I'm really happy to have Cobra here to do an interview with us and talk about the meditation, the current situation and number of topics. So welcome Cobra.

Cobra: Thank you for your invitation.

Hoshino: Now let's start the interview. Now pass on to you, NOGI.

Part 1. Situation Update

NOGI: Okay so let me ask you questions, Cobra. (Yes) First of all, okay we would like to know the result of our meditation on November 11th? Did we achieve critical mass for timeline correction meditation?

Cobra: Actually this meditation was quite successful. It was not promoted heavily, but still we have managed to reach the number aboutof 80,000 people meditating, which had a significant effect on the timeline correction. NOGI: Wow. That's good news. And second question, are we, what are the remaining obstacles to the final breakthrough before the event?

Cobra: Still the main obstacle remains the same and that are toplet bombs. This is the exotic technology, which has to be removed completely or almost completely before the Event can happen. And there of course are other factors, but those other factors are not such a big obstacle as the toplet bombs are.

NOGI: Oh, I see. Thank you. In addition to meditation, what else can we the surface population do in order to help clear those obstacles?

Cobra: What would help a lot are more unity among the so-called Lightworkers. I know this is not realistic, but if there are really, if we would achieve more unity, that would create a very strong harmonic resonance field that would allow Light forces to do things faster and more efficiently.

Please read on....

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