Nov 2, 2020

👨‍⚕️✍️🚧 ~ (BREAKING) Update: Nearly 45,000 Doctors & Scientists Sign Declaration Opposing COVID Lockdowns (CE) ~ | Blogger: [🎶No More Lockdown -- Van Morrison🕊️] ... 💔THE GREAT AWAKENING & PLANETARY LIBERATION DECEMBER 21ST 20/20 VISION... Yeaaaaa! Yeaaaaa!... We are freeee!??... Is that what you wanna hear?... Are we finally out of the woods, yet?... Do you think The Plan[Demic] COVID-19[84] STOPS when President Trump will be reelected November 3rd? - do you really?... Do you also believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Elf of a Shelf or the Leprechaun?... Noooo, we are not liberated yet people - yea - we're about too - but not there yet... Spiritual websites sometimes forget, the positive sunbeam stories will not always take you HOME. The imaginable place, where we all sit around the campfires singing "Kumbaya my Lord" smoking hash tobacco and blessing each other's bad self-esteem and traumas, forgetting OUR REALITY, is not always, what takes us all home to God / Source... The most DEADLY FORCE on Earth right now in these insane pandemic-times, are evil (draconian) entities and parasites disguised under "umbrella corporations"; The Medical-Industrial Complex or The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex or The Rockefeller Foundation (that created the WHO & funds U.S. Public Health) - Same o' same o'... It's much larger than The military–industrial complex (MIC) and has more firepower than of the EU pharmaceutical lobby and implications for public health... 45,000 signatures from doctors and scientists is a vast number and I absolutely welcome them with open arms and prayers and blessings - buuutt - it's NOT enough to shut down The 3-D Matrix Machine City... Sorry... Of course we "Earthlings" need assistance and support from our Galactic family, since we are only 1% (less than 70 million) of Earth's population of people who are awake and aware to what is going on, but as Cobra has said once and it goes like this: "You need to understand that if you want to make your life better, you have to do 80% of the work yourself so that the Galactic Confederation and Resistance forces can help you with the remaining 20%" ... |


The Facts:
More than 44,000 scientists and doctors as well as more than 446,000 people have signed the Great Barrington Declaration, opposing a second COVID-19 lockdown because, according to them, it's doing much more harm than good.
Reflect On:

Why are opinions and narratives that oppose the WHO being censored, ridiculed, and largely ignored? Why aren't they discussed openly and transparently?

Implementation of the current draconian measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally dangerous virus is threatening us. Do any scientifically sound data exist to support this contention for COVID-19? I assert that the answer is simply, no. –Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a specialist in microbiology and one of the most cited research scientists in German history, read more about him

Three weeks ago I published an article about “The Great Barrington Declaration .” At the time of publication, the declaration had approximately 34,000 signatures from doctors & scientists from around the world opposing lockdown measures as a way to combat COVID-19, something the declaration describes as less dangerous than influenza.

Viruses, like already existing coronaviruses and other respiratory viruses infect billions of people a year, and kill tens of millions a year. Why no global panic over those?

The declaration now has nearly 45,000 signatures from doctors and scientists, and also approximately 600,000 from concerned citizens.

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