Oct 6, 2020

⚠️⚕️πŸ’ ~ (Must-See) Calif. doctor successfully cures 1,700 COVID-19 patients (OAN) πŸ’• ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰Dr Brian Tyson is one of the pioneers of early outpatient treatment for COVID-19, with ""ZERO DEATH"" and just one short hospitalization out of some 1700 COVID-19 positive patients in Southern CaliforniaπŸ‘ˆ] ... WAAAUV!... Among many, many other Doctors or (New York) nurses, Brian Tyson confirms, that Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as (COVID-1984), on ventilators or dies from other lethal illnesses ($8,000-20,000 per dead)... Denmark, rumor has it, that only 10 confirmed cases died directly "of" CV, and not "from" CV (out of 659)... Dr. Tyson also says, he suggest a 'complete reopening' of America tomorrow, even WITHOUT, taken the drug hydroxychloroquine... How many of the 200,000 US CV deaths could we have been saved with hydroxychloroquine? Dr Tyson responds; about 75-80% and then he goes on, that we "don't" need a vaccine; if you have 99,97% change of survival, why do you need a vaccine?. Lockdown was to suppose to be two-weeks 'slow the curve', now it turns into a six-month complete 'lockdown' and there's no science, behind that and nobody can live in lockdown forever and it has been harmful... (SoTW) Dr Tyson - Thank you so much for sharing (is caring)πŸ™ ... |

While the media continues pushing hype around the coronavirus, actual medical experts say we already have the tools we need to combat the virus. One America’s Pearson Sharp spoke with Brian Tyson, a doctor in Southern California who has successfully treated over 1,700 patients with the drug hydroxychloroquine.

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