Aug 1, 2020

⚠️🙀🛸~ (SHOCKING ANNOUNCEMENT) UFO Mystery in 2020! (Jason A) ~ | Blogger: [🤫Psssst! Guys, Guys!-- we are NOT alone in the universe! We have been visited by Aliens for millions of years, our Anunnaki Masters & Reptilian humanoids living ruling among us and last 80 years, Earth factions has back-engineered out-of-this-world stuff from alien technology, that Star Trek & Star Wars could even dream of was possible😮] ... My holistic doctor told me about a article from 70's or 80's that said, NASA and scientists discovered 7 Earth-like planets in our solar system, not visible for the human naked eye ('invisible' infrared light etc). He also talked about how EXTREME important it is, to understand about RH- blood lines and The Fallen Angels, DNA-engineered humanity's type personality traits... AAAND, SoTW still believe in the fairytales about "Solar Warden", that is a private entity space force that has presence in low Earth orbit (LEO)--At least 10 major nations, including the United States have entered into a contract with Solar Warden. Since 1954, US engagement prompted thirty years of preparation that finally organized into a United States Space Force by 1984... 🤔PS: I know what you are thinking, i'm just a geek danish hillbilly, a former IT banker, who knows nothing and I understand nothing. It's just a very profound and deep feeling, that Global Secret Space Programs has existed for 80 years now and I have no idea, where that comes from - I just KNOW!... 🔭I have seen UFO's in the danish skies with my own Celestron 25x70 Skymaster Binocular, but especially in America with James Gilliland in Mt. Shasta, in Sedona, AZ with Sedona UFO Tours & Sightings and in Brazil and other places--And of course been to conferences and seminars, workshops and talked to active military people... 🤥I know what NewsInsideOut, with Alfred Lambremont Webre, and maaaany others are saying about Dr. Michael Salla, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, and Randy Cramer's Mars visitation claims etc. etc. -- honestly -- I don't care. It could be a HOAX, but MIC-SSP is NOT... |
Source (Jason A)

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