Jul 13, 2020

🦠☠️⚰️ ~ VIdeo(s) Reminder: Nurses/Doctors Killing Patients in Ny City (jchristoff) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Scents of A Medical Holocaust……Inside NY City🤛] ... Received by mail... |

Not too sure if you're aware but there have been many nurses and a couple of medical doctors coming forward out of NY City to tell of holocaust style euthanasia of patients in NY City hospitals.

Now if you know how this death cult really works, this isn't shocking what so ever. As I've explained in past articles and podcasts, this ancient death cult has infiltrated the 8 major institutions that run our lives down here on planet earth...........government, religion, science, medicine, banking, education, media and the military.

Each one of these institutions have been formatted over long periods of time to have a death cult focus and to initiate all of us as death cult members. From the circumcision of our male infants (a death cult blood ritual that causes brain damage and life long PTSD) to vaccination (child sacrifice through injected poison) and from the spraying of poisons on the foods we eat to false flags wars that are orchestrated to kill the young less informed males in each pretend country...........we're all living inside a death cult that has eroded our morality, logic and rational thought. From alcohol to coffee and from pissing and shitting into the very water we need to drink to poisoning the animals we eventually consume as food.........we've become an insane species focused on everything death. Every move we make is about the destruction of life and the hatred of anything living....including ourselves and our own children. Most people are literally having children today in order to provide them as sacrificial pawns, for the 8 major corrupt institutions listed above. Think of the parents today circumcising their sons, injecting poison into them or and then encouraging their children to study hard in order to get a job somewhere within the death cult......because the death cult has a good pension? Some of these parents even attending a church where a dead man hangs a cross......and yet they still don't get it. Why all the death? Connect the dots. We have lost our way but we can get back on the right track.

I can only imagine that the original bible (supposedly from ancient Ethiopia) warned of this death cult and the need to be constantly vigilant to us being turned against ourselves and also turned against this planet, which provides life to all of us. We're in some big trouble here and the only answer is to bring back morality.......which is a word that means any action, belief or concept that's life affirmative.

Click here for my latest article and spread the word about what's happening right now in the name of COVID.........a virus never proven to exist other than inside the TV on the tongues of our most corrupt politicians. Solutions of course are always offered at the end of the article.


Doctors and Nurses Betrayed Patients - and Themselves

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