Jul 11, 2020

🔐 ~ 💗 "Law Suit Against The Lockdown State" ~ Message from Dr. SØREN VENTEGODT (Age Of Truth TV) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🤜SHORT 8 min video by Dr. Ventegodt and OOC to demand disclosure of the "SECRET" papers that NOBODY died (directly) of CV-19 according to Statistics Denmark (Danmarks Statistik) and has filed a lawsuit against the Danish government and the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen for violation the constitution during the lockdown due to the C ovi d- 19 Cor onavi rus. One of the claims in the law suit: "The defendant must acknowledge that legislative measures that constrict the freedom of assembly as well as regulations warranted on these measures involve a breach on section 79 of the Danish Constitution, “Grundloven”. Now Søren Ventegodt and OOC will assemble for an event at the largest park in Copenhagen, Fælledparken on Sunday July, 12 - 2020, trying to gather as many people as possible. The event is organised in order to "break the new law" about not being allowed to assemble more than 50 people at one place at a time🤛] ... |

Source (Age Of Truth TV)

Dr. SØREN VENTEGODT, MD, MMedSci, EU-MSc is the director of the independent Quality of Life Research Center in Copenhagen, and Research Clinic for Holistic Medicine and Sexology, Copenhagen. He teaches holistic medicine, psychiatry and sexology at the Nordic School of Holistic Health and Denmark, Sweden and the Czech Republic. Søren Ventegodt is now the Chairman of a new organisation, OOC - The Organisation For Information on Corona, in collaboration with different scientists and artists. (READ MORE)

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