Jul 3, 2020

👁️👌🤘 ~ Disney MK Ultra Programming The Dark Side of Disney Exposed! (A Jay Myers Video Documentary) ~ | Blogger: FINALLY! Feds arrest the socialite accused of being serial sex predator dobbelt agent Jeffrey Epstein's “pimp” Ghislaine Maxwell, recruiting child sex victims. Will they (kill) her too or is Jeffrey Epstein still alive inside a secure D.U.M.B? If so, it's ALL OVER for the #Global Zionist Entrapment Blackmail PedoGateNetwork... Btw, at all places, I used to live near by, Bedford, New Hampshire back in 1989 as a young exchange student... Anywho, what happens now to Prince Andrew, Royals and the Clintons and hundreds of other VIP's? Jeffrey Epstein elite list of friends and associates expands all over the world. Including Hollywood stars and danish billionaire Christian Kjær, former Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark and Norway's Crown Princess Mette-Marit...📝 PS: Prince Consort of Denmark - Whaaat!? You know, it's well known, MSM has been posted about this for many years, that Epstein bought Christian Kjaer's Island in Great St James, Virgin Islands, U.S.and the now dead Prince of Denmark, Not King, rumors goes he likes "boys" and has been on Mr. Kjaer's Island MANY times (just saying - don't kill the messenger)... Well, Ghislaine Maxwell has just become nothing but a liability to the powers that be... |

Source (Kelly)

A Jay Myers Documentary

The name Disney is synonymous with clean, family friendly entertainment, evoking images of colorful characters and smiling children. But there’s more to the house of mouse than meets the eye. Numerous Mk-ultra victims have spoken of Disney movies Imagery and theme parks playing a central role in their programming. Is it mere coincidence that the lives of so many Disney stars end up a train wreck? 

Think you know Disney? Think again. This documentary exposes dark side of the most famoentertainmentent company on earth!

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