Jun 23, 2020

☠️ ~ ๐Ÿ’— Boulder, CO: 3 Black Military CH-47 Chinook helicopters fly over the Boulder foothills during Patty Greer’s talk on vaccinations (NewsInsideOut.com) ๐Ÿ’•~ | Blogger: [๐Ÿ‘‰The Dangers of Mercury Fillings And Altering Human Genetics Through Synthetic DNA/mRNA/Nano/Chip Tracers Vaccination With Mercury, Aluminum๐Ÿ‘ˆ] ... ๐Ÿ› Pssssst! It's frustrating when you have to spell everything out for them! DO NOT TAKE ANY COVID VACCINES! Please... ๐Ÿ’ฏPS: MANY people especially danes will not believe me, but I have experienced something similar what Patty Greer (she's just aaamazing) saw in the skies above her house... As I have stated many times before on verdensalt.dk, and Simon confirms this, black helicopters patrolled the area at Awake & Aware conference/venue in London in 2018. All of us saw the helios with our own eyes circling the house all day long and Simon Parkes and Kerry Cassidy was warned beforehand on psychic attacks or EMF weapons happened. Simon lost his voice and were literally running home to momma, understandable, after sessions ends .. Later after returning home to Denmark in 2018, SoTW and another person from the Cobra group, was heavily attacked, and had to protect ourselves. If it was a agressive DEW / EMF attack or just simple, receiving Galactic Superwave energy, I don't know, i'm not that smart...๐Ÿ˜Ž SoTW also manage to see Mr. Tompkins talk at Las Vegas MUFON 2017, before he was supposedly killed 1 month later, some say (perhaps he just died of old age)... I also attended another conference or Congress, where 3 people, included Exopolitics/UFO investigator Craig R. Lang was targeted & murdered at the February 2018 International UFO Congress using exotic weapons to stop his disclosure investigations. You want proof? Posted claims by Afred L. Webre and SoTW's own american friend, Patrice (now dead of cancer) who was a long time buddy of Craig R. Lang... (Use the search bar on verdensalt.dk to find more details)... |

Boulder, CO: 3 Black Military CH-47 Chinook helicopters fly over the Boulder foothills during Patty Greer’s talk on vaccinations WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV: https://youtu.be/jFCKGGNF7Dk
WATCH ON TRUETUBE: https://newsinsideout.com/2020/06/12697/
Mercury Tri-Test https://www.quicksilverscientific.com/all-products/mercury-test-kit/
Http://www.C60Evo.com - use code ALWSPEC = Fabulous health support for you & a discount. Support for Alfred's ExopoliticsTV channel.

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