Apr 23, 2020

πŸ¦πŸ€‘πŸ˜” ~ Let Them Eat Ice Cream! - #PropagandaWatch ~ | Blogger: In the meanwhile, Jeff Bezos is $24 billion richer amid pandemic - Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and others are also earning several billions a week... The billionaire BestsellerKing is no better. He sends food delivery out to you and me, earns millions-billions on nemlig.dk, and ASOS.com, fires 750 people, in addition to letting landlords, employees and the state pay for Bestseller's 2,700 branded chain stores across 38 markets worldwide, losses during the coronacrisis... What the hell!?πŸ’’... PS: same goes for Eli Lilly performs very well in the first quarter - coronavirus increased sales by $ 1.7 billion kr. and Novo Nordisk (and all the coronavirus vaccinecompanies)... |

Source (corbettreport)

Marie Antoinette didn't actually say "Let them eat cake" but you won't believe who is saying "Let them eat ice cream." Join James for this edition of #PropagandaWatch as he explores the latest fad among the celebrities and political puppets: Shaming poor people!

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