Apr 14, 2020

🔥 ~ Fears of new radiation contamination as wildfires edge closer to Chernobyl nuclear plant ~ | Blogger: SoTW is NOT jumping to any conclusions or crazy conspiracies, all i'm saying is, that this fire, "might" have been intentionally started to create a massive plume of radioactive fallout high into the air and across swaths of Europe, like in 1986... Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the once-mainstream environmental activist turned persistent anti-vaccine campaigner against Bill Gates and the "sudden" death of Kennedy child and mother, who accidentally drowned, according Maryland medical examiner says. It's just hard for me to swallow after been redpilled... Sorry this is my assemement, please look into the case yourself and research... Another thing, that I have said (many) times on Verdensalt, is about Fox News who has ADMITTED to the government having Laser Technology or Directed Energy Weapons On September 28, 2017, about 10 days before the Northern California Fires in Wine Country began, ATHENA, (Advanced Test High Energy Asset), is one of the most exciting of these new American laser weapons ~ from the VIDEO... 🤔Why is this important? Going north from LA towards Mt Shasta in 2015, back in my mind got some newsflashes that wildfire jumps highway in California and vehicles catch fire. My companion and I went by fields (interstate highways) that still smelled burned, watching black clouds and white clouds of smoke.. Again I were in California in 2017 and 2018, and saw the wildfires, which was enormous, from the airplane and on the ground... I have talked to americans, who TRULY believe that many of the wildfires in California, is because "The Shadow Govt" wanted to deprive the landlords of their land, after they have destroyed it and something about who controls the water supply and California, that has desperately tried to declared themselves independent from the regime in Washington DC... You be the judge... |

An aerial view shows a forest fire in the 30 km exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Ukraine, April 12, 2020, in this still picture taken from video. Video taken April 12, 2020. Reuters TV/via REUTERS
Source (mindfood)

Wildfires raging in Ukraine are edging dangerously close to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Blogger: You might also ask SoTW if I think that WTC 9/11, BP oil spill and Fukushima nuclear disaster was no accident either.

Well, of course it was no freak accident or muslims killing us all... I'm sorry - there is no such thing as coincidence in the way that people think of it.

Nothing just comes out of the blue with no reason when we talk about COVID 19 or some of the biggest disasters on the scope devastating Earth or to install FEAR...

 If events like Roswell hadn’t happened, we may not have developed computer technology at all. Thankfully, we now have the full power of the Internet, highly advanced technologies, some of it reverse engineer the technology in the alien craft for use in U.S. military vehicles and power production. SSP - Secret Space Programs, that are so advanced that everything we see in Star Trek, Stargate and just about any other sci-fi movie you can think of is available now - ready to give to Humanity - but has been STOPPED from happening.

Many insiders have confirmed this. You can see them, hear them and meet them at conferences. People like Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project,  Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan’s Project Camelot, David Wilock and Cosmic Disclosure team, James Gilliland, Alex Collier, SSP Whistleblower William Tompkins, T. L. Keller, Rob Potter, Dr. Michael Salla, R. Scott Lemriel, Tolec of the Andromeda Council, Ted Mahr, EG&G Janet (airline) Area 51 etc. etc...

Some of these guys, SoTW has meet in person and i trust (some) of the stuff I hear... We're not allowed to gain Full Consciousness, Ascension or Spiritual Awakening, God / Source has desired for Mother GAIA and 5D to expand into the DNA-core of Humanity... |

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