Apr 6, 2020

🔴 ~ BREAKING GOOD: UK ministers ‘no longer discounting’ theory that Covid-19 leaked from Wuhan lab – report (RT) ~ | Blogger: [👉UK government and COBRA (the emergency committee led by now infected Prime Minister Boris Johnson) have not ruled out the possibility that the deadly illness was "man-made". Both reported in Daily Mail and Russian Today👈] ... Buuutt, even if ONE high-ranked source (cobra) member said it did not rule out that the virus spread from a laboratory, they still stick to the story about COVID-19 is a virus which originated from animals... Which is, in SoTW humble opinion, "NOT" possible... Normally "natural" vira are not "alive" and only "create" cell-dead, from the inside and out and without the host cell, a virus cannot survive long term, because it "feeds or consume" the hosts toxicities. Hence, it cannot JUMP from A2H or H2H - unless it's a "bioweapon" or / and "mutated kind of virulence" (ie virus viability and infectiousness)... According to David Wilcock and many others, like the US arrest warrant from DOJ; there's STRONG evidence that Zaosong Zheng (2 chineseman Zaosong Zheng & Yanqing Ye) who worked for Dr. Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University’s Dept of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, was attempting to smuggle 21 vials of biological research to China, Wuhan, on December 10, 2019. It's now a DOJ official report that came out Tuesday, January 28, 2020. It was in fact Coronavirus a.k.a. COVID-19 a.k.a. CV... PS: as we speak, an American lawyer that goes by the name, Larry Klayman, filles a $20 trillion lawsuit against China for creation and release of the novel coronavirus. On the other side of the fence, China spins tale that the U.S. Army started the Coronavirus Epidemic... |

Source (RT.com)

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