Mar 23, 2020

πŸ‘€ Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast πŸ™ | Blogger: ["Simon Parkes on corona virus 17. march 2020" by Michael Maardt] ... Thanks to Michael, danish CC member... As Michael, shared with us, CC members: " I have made transcripts of it, in my opinion, most important, what Simon Parkes said on Mar 17, 2020, because at first I didn't quite understand it, but also because he said a lot of important things."... |

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...


Auto Transcript from Youtube edited by Michael Maardt

The virus was not designed to kill off half the population. The virus was not designed to kill off all the old people all the non-productive workers and just leave us with the productive workers.

The intention of the virus was to destroy economies through fear, through fear of the individuals not going to the shops to buy the purchasing side and through fear of those people turning up to the factory to the production side, so you take up a production, you take out the need to buy and you bring an economy down.

Look how that's played out the Dow Jones the British stock market markets across the world in a situation that we've not seen worse, than the Lehman crash 2008, worse than the crash in 1978 and we're looking to go back to 1929

So what's going on here? A virus is released unintentionally in China. The virus was stolen and please don't imagine that if you're going to steal something you go out with a great huge lead-lined box you're in a secure facility you cannot walk out of the door with a great lead line box.

What this person did was take some of the culture from a petri dish placed it into a four inch of vial, which he could put in his pocket, and because he worked there he was known they don't search them when they come in and out. He didn't carry it out in a great sealed container. He couldn't because he was stealing it and had been shot for that. So he took it out, it broke in the marketplace. It was released, but it was not intended to be released in China.

Countries like Britain and America had time to begin to work up a counter plan to this. Let us just say that the black hats had intended to destroy an economy. Two reasons. First the hope was, that it would make the re-election of President Trump nearly impossible, secondly it would go ahead of the reset.

The reset is a term, we use when the good guys want to rebalance the economy, while the black hats do not want the economy rebalanced or, if it's going to be balanced, they want it balanced their way. So a destruction to the economy did a number of things:

First of all it took away the chance of president Trump being re-elected, secondly it actually affected the economies of the world and made them very weak, and it would reduce the ability of America to reset or to reevaluate, because all the reserves, all the money has now been pumped in to keep multinational companies afloat, rather than being used as a war chest, maybe to go over to a gold-backed currency etc., so it has destroyed the confidence and that was the whole intention was that.

This virus was released in China by accident. It gave certain people weeks to plan and understand, what they were facing. Had this virus released somewhere else, it would have given the individuals very little time to respond. We have a situation where a number of countries have put soldiers on the streets armed. This is a shock in Western Europe. It's something that we've not seen since the Second World War.

We have to ask ourselves why would you want armed soldiers to enforce a curfew? What is the point of that? Wouldn't ordinary people stay indoors anyway? We've got these soldiers on the streets in a number of countries now, and interestingly, these countries, that have got the soldiers on the streets, either have a very strong connection to the Vatican or there are a number of black hats hiding out in those countries.

So if the military in the United States having finally been pushed to breaking point with all the evil that is going on, and I'll just tell you, that those of you, who were sharp and remember a little while back last year, one of president Trump's bodyguards was poisoned, and this was a deliberate attempt to get [...]. There have been lots of attempts to kill the president.

This was a turning point because it wasn't an attempt to kill the president. It was an attempt to kill the first lady. Best way to get to somebody is through their family and so the idea was 'kill the first lady', and then we can get the president to back down.

That failed but one of his bodyguards got what was poisoning. Can you remember last year I showed a video and it was also out there on YouTube of blackhawk helicopters in an American Street in the evening and people were saying "it's just a drill".

We don't get Blackhawk helicopters 30 feet off the ground and you remember they put Special Forces down they went to a disused building which happened to be owned by the Chinese or released to a Chinese English school, and they used dynamite to blow the front doors. They went in. They brought a body out and they brought out a metal container. That was covid-19 a virus ready to be released in America last year [pause] to destroy the President of the United States and to bring about an economic collapse in America

So what do we have now? We have a black hat, who wants to buy covid-19, can't get it anywhere else now, because the military have closed it all down, so goes to Wuhan, offers many many many millions to an individual, the deal doesn't go through, the black hat shoots the employee, who is about to run off with the vial.

The vial smashes on the stone floor. The virus gets out in China. 20,000 United States troops both in uniform, and NOT in uniform, are now moving across Europe in small groups.

We're going to call these "Trump's boys" because, that's what we're calling them this side of the pond. Trump's boys are operating in a number of countries looking for black hats. Now if I am a bad guy and I am in say a country like Italy and the Vatican is very powerful of course it is, and the Vatican says: 'We don't like the idea of these Trump agents having free reign, so let's call a state of emergency' [dogs start barking loud in the background] and let's put soldiers on the streets, because what we can do is isolate our city, so foreigners will show up really easily, so anybody in a motor car, we can stop them.

In France now nobody is allowed to come out of their home, unless they've got a piece of paper, that says, they're allowed to come out. Now why would you want to do that? How can you go from being supposedly a democracy to "You can't come out of your house, unless you've got a piece of paper that authorizes you to come out"?

Why would you need to do that? What's going on here? The reality is, that if there are some some black hats holed up in certain countries and the government is being blackmailed by those black hats, they will then declare a state of emergency, put soldiers out on the streets in the hope to slow up any of president Trump's agents.

That's the reality of this. So we are under the cover of the coronavirus, we now have a war going on, not a war as in tanks and bombs and missiles, but we have a war, that's now very much about to break out onto the streets. We don't know quite how. I don't know quite how obvious this is going to become, because both sides are keen to maintain this as a covert side, but I can tell you, that that is what's playing out right across Europe.

People are having power cuts right across Europe, mobile phones, cell phone networks are going down. We are going through a most interesting time. It's not a time of fear, but it is a time of change and one side is going to come out of this victorious. There isn't going to be a status quo anymore in the sense, that we have had, so that's the situation. A real virus that can infect you if you catch it.

It does not just affect old people, it can affect young people as well. It was designed to operate in the dormant stage at 4 degrees centigrade/Celsius. This is the temperature of a fridge. That's because it was bred and kept in a fridge so it operates for about 12 hours on a cold surface. It is killed by ultraviolet light. If you're in states like Texas and Arizona the virus will have very little control, very little grip because the amount of sunlight and the heat is not good for it.

If you're in a wet cold place or a wet cold damp place, it's going to do quite well and that's why governments are hoping for the summer to come along and deal with this, but we have a situation where both sides, the white hats and the black hats, are attempting under the cover of the corona virus now to fight it out. It wouldn't surprise me, if some really really big names declare they've got the corona virus and either supposedly died of it or they disappeared they go underground.

Many many people who have a very very nasty history are now using this either as an excuse to go to cover or basically are now going to cover, because certain people are after them. When this virus was released it was a game-changer, because it sent a message to the white hats, that the black hats are never compromised and never come around the table to talk.

These people are just totally insane and for the first time the military group decided, that that was it. "We've got nothing to lose. If they're going to try and get rid of our president as they say: 'Get rid of our president, crush the Constitution, destroy America's economy' - we are no longer going to sit back and just play this" and so basically the military and the white hats within the intelligences are now mobilizing just as the black hats are doing.

The difference is, that the black hats have been caught off guard. This virus was not supposed to be released in China and as a result of that, they are at a disadvantage, so we should see some some high-profile people disappearing so that's that's my news.

... some paragraphs left out

The chinese people didn't ask for this, but they had a laboratory on their premises creating it you know. They had a biological warfare place in Wuhan creating the virus, so if you are going to play with fire sometimes fire gets out of control and burns your fingers.

Wouldn't it have been better not to have a biological factory. If they never had the factory, it wouldn't have happened oh these are the sort of things, that maybe humanity has got to really get a grip with: Just because X has got it, does that mean, that Y has got to have it? Let's hope this is a beginning of a really big change, so it's not about fear, it's not about scaring the daylights out of you, it's about saying we're dealing with a virus.

Best way is to use sanitized gel on your hands. It's when you go out: wear gloves and don't touch surfaces. The information that I've received is - and these are from qualified doctors - that the transfer from the virus is not so much from airborne droplets people coughing or sneezing, but that coughing or sneezing landing on a surface, that surface being around a cool temperature allowing this virus to survive for 12 hours and then somebody touching it with their hand, stair rail, light switch, anything and then touching either their mouth or their nose, particularly the mouth. That's the problem.

That is how it's being transmitted. Now when they first realize this, who did they tell? Did they tell you and me? No, they didn't of course. They went straight to the elite. That's why the elite said "we're not handshaking". Everyone's looking around, thinking: "What's all that about?", because the elite were the very first to be given the official warning: "Don't shake hands!"

It's about hands touching anything and then touching your mouth.

That's why the Chinese understood it, because the virus was laboratory made in China. That's why they all wore masks, because it isn't so much it stops you coughing or sneezing; it stops you touching your mouth, so if you go out: Do not touch your mouth! If you're touching surfaces: Do not touch your mouth!

You put your hand sanitizer generally, wear gloves and if you've got disposable gloves, you have a box by the outside of your apartment or your house, take your gloves off put them in that, okay! Ultraviolet light does successfully kill the virus. The virus doesn't like high temperatures. If you think you might have caught the virus, don't drink cold water, drink warmish water. If you can wash the virus down from your throat into your stomach, the acid in your stomach will kill it.

High doses of vitamin C. If you're on MeWePro, if you're a member of Connecting Consciousness, we've got a section on there, go to that. That'll help you with that. Remember that 5G weakens your natural defense system, so if you are one of the people, who've bought the bioshield, or you have any other defense against 5G for heaven's sake: Have that either plugged in or if you go outside please take it with you in your pocket keep it with you.

5G as far as I am concerned reduces the human body's immune response, so if you are weakened and you go into a virus infected area, you'll get it, but if your body is strong and you're keeping your vibration high through a combination of positive vibrational force and a good strong physical body, then your chances of fighting this off are much much better, so please, if you have the bioshield keep it on 24/7.

If you're being hit by it by 5G and if you go outside, take it with you. If you've got a modern car, it's got a USB port or you can get an adapter; plug that in, so that it's actually powered up as you are driving and if you've got a walk, where you go to work, take it out, put in your pocket and do that.

Protect yourself, protect your family, protect your animals and if you are aware of an older person who doesn't have anybody, look after them; please think about what connecting consciousness stands for, don't do service to self, be service to others and find out what you can do to help that neighbor of yours.

I'm talking about disabled people. I'm talking about old people. Don't lock yourself in and think "I'm okay"; think "What can I do to assist and help other people?". I'm not asking anyone to put themselves in danger or jeopardy. I am asking you to think, what consciousness means, to overcome the greed and the panic, that's occurring in supermarkets and think "hey, I've got the old lady down the road, you know what, I'm gonna buy her a few bits of pieces and she can pay me back you know next time, I see her", so let's work together. The good people will get stronger and the evil people will fade away.

Lots of love to you all and I'll keep you updated with the information that I have. Take care ..

Mentioned by Simon: Helicopters ..

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