Mar 10, 2020

🤔 ~ Politisk undren: Hjemmeværnet står for corona-hotline (DK Media) ~ | Blogger: [☎️The corona hotline of the Danish National Board of Health controlled by unqualified volunteers from The Danish Home Guard (HJV) - the fourth service of the Danish military🎖️] ... WHAAAT!!!😲... Never seen in any European country, that soldiers from The Royal Life Guards (Danish: Den Kongelige Livgarde) are patrolling at the jewish Synagogue in Krystalgaden in Copenhagen and into the streets... Militarization of police to use of military equipment and tactics with special forces assistance by law enforcement officers, has never been adopted into Denmark's defenses, but it is nowadays... It's a VERY dangerous and slippery slope argument, that we need the military forces and intelligence services to "control" every movement that happens in our society, which only creates more fear... With the Coronavirus expansion of fear mongering lies, UK, now ordering people to "Stay home even if you just have a cough" and the lockdown in Italy, are not helping. Stock markets are crashing and the governments are sending in the soldiers, to keep them safe... |

Kilde (

Sundhedsstyrelsens corona-hotline, som bekymrede borgere skal ringe til, besvares ikke længere af sundhedsfaglige, men i stedet af frivillige fra Hjemmeværnet. En borger fik besked på at skulle 14 dage i karantæne, men beslutningen viste sig at være forkert. Det er ikke betryggende, mener politikere

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