Jan 5, 2020

πŸ”₯πŸ”΄πŸ‘️ ~ Australia - Wake Up Or Die! - MAKE THIS VIRAL! ~ | Blogger: [πŸ“‘Use of HAARP, DEW's, 5G, Chemtrails and the Full Spectrum dominance of Planet Earth🚰] ... {Sorry to be a the party buster: 'He who owns the water will own the world' ~ SoTW} ... We can all agree that devastating wildfires, rains over Australia... This video gives you a great inside news and analysis of the cause of these wildfires, which (could) be UN agenda 2030 (Agenda 21) and the corporatocracy (racketeering masquerading as government) attempt to make billions on drought, farmers land and the poor unfortunate people, who has lost everything. Extreme Weather = Weather Derivatives... This is what I've been feeling all along. It resembles what's happened in California, the Amazon, etc. and what Ted Mahr has said: πŸ“‘ "Particle beam weapons are being used in Australia like they were used in Paradise and in Malibu California in November 2018 to kill as many people and animals as possible. Approximately 480 millions have been killed. But we can stop these harmful fires with our prayers and good intentions. We all are powerful spiritual beings who are stronger than the dark forces trying to destroy this beautiful planet."πŸ“‘... WHAT can you do to help? Well, for one thing, meditate, especially mass meditation... WLMM has a Daily Meditation for Australian Bushfires at 11:30 AM UTC. This meditation is Cobra enabled, called 'Buddhic Column - Guided Meditations' - comes translated into many languages - unfortunately not in danish and since our coordinator, from SoTR Gitte, is very sick, you could sent some love and light down to her, aswellπŸ’™πŸ™... |

#ArrestScottMorrisonForTreason The Drought and accompanying firestorm currently gripping Australia has been brought about, and is being managed, very deliberately. And the treasonous criminal racketeers masquerading as the Australian Government are using the drought they have purposely manufactured to push Agenda 21 onto the people of Australia. If you are an Australian, or you care about Australia and its people, please share this everywhere and help make this video viral. Please Share - Mirror - Reupload and repost this video Everywhere you can. Please folks, I implore you to help because we are getting hammered here in Australia and this is no joke. The creek out the front has stopped flowing. Ive been in this area 52 years and these creeks have never been dry. Hideous droughts Ive seen, all the grass dead, but I have never seen the creeks stop flowing because they are all spring fed from aquifers below ground. But now they have harvested the water from the flood plains, they are draining the artesian basin and they have felled trees on the mountains and exposed the well springs to the sun and the springs have stopped flowing. And this NOT from "climate change". This is Deliberate! And its not just in the valley where I live. It is all the creeks around here on both sides of the ranges... the springs have stopped.... the sky is full of smoke outside and the sunlight is red.... it looks surreal... they are killing us, they are killing everything, all the wild life, everything, and they are driving the people into the cities. This is agenda 21 in full swing.


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