Dec 6, 2019

👯 ~ Pedophilia at All Levels of Society (GAOG) ~ | Blogger: Nååå, du tror ikke på mig!... Hvis og jeg siger, hvis, Oliver Bjerrehuus, taler sandt og ikke overdriver, har han siddet på en avis og nu fortæller åbent i (det, vi taler om), hvordan østeuro- pæiske sexarbejdere (piger) bliver (smedet sammen), undskyld udtrykket, først som 14-årige, hentet DIREKTE fra folkeskolerne i Sofia og (loverboys), lokker dem i en fælde, konstant seksuelt misbrugt, uden bad, lægehjælp og ødelagt (underliv), og om hvad de skal gå igennem og det er KVALMENDE, det er så frygteligt, at du ikke begriber det. Disse piger når de når Danmark, bliver misbrugt til polterabender af mænd på coke og viagra og så bliver 6 piger af gangen (censureret) i skumle jydske kældre, siger altså, Oliver Bjerrehuus (Det starter ved 1.37:15 minuttet i 29.11.19 Det, vi taler om: Oliver Bjerrehuus forsvarer Bubber - igen)... Efter denne MEGAklamme historie som Robert Hansen, Rikke samt Oliver Bjerrehuus, arbejdede på via B.T. i et halvt år, var Folketingets og politikerens ENESTE kommentarer om lovliggørelse af prostitution og for at få stoppet sex trafficking; "Enhver mand i Danmark, har lov til en luder"...😢 |

Children in Haiti: Sex trafficking a big problem

I’m not sure how many days I’ve spent reading stories of pedophilia among the top ranks of British and American society, politics, government, police, and intelligence services, following Prince Andrew’s BBC interview.

While it isn’t our mission to report it, (1) while it is our mission to build the alternative to what exists today, that isn’t to say that I’m unaware of what is and has been going on.

When its full extent is exposed, I think there’s going to be a wave of revulsion across the two countries that will reach into all levels of society and extend back through recent and perhaps distant history.

Dismissing Pizzagate as “fake news,” using the police and intelligence agencies to close down investigative journalism, and assassinating key witnesses will not stop the abhorrence people will feel then and the regret by many that so few people paid attention to the stories that emerged.

UN peacekeepers, schools, hospitals, Hollywood, royals, American presidents, senators, and representatives – on and on the list goes of alleged perpetrators and enablers.

What have we allowed our societies to become? I feel heavy-hearted contemplating the misery brought on so many young people who’ve fallen victim to these rings, which go far, far beyond just Jeffrey Epstein.

I look at it and find it hard to think of building an alternative new society with so much tragedy being enacted around us every day.

I want you to know that, even though it isn’t my and GAoG’s chosen mission to expose and battle pedophilia, (2) I’m painfully aware of it.


(1) See “On Malware and the Redirection of the Blog,” December 5, 2019, at

(2) It is part of our work to put forward a date for its end and it will be part of the work of the Michaelangelo Fund to finance groups who are going down into the trenches to fight pedophilia.

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