Dec 1, 2019

🛡️ The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland ECETI.ORG | Blogger: [🤗"Your Mission & Purpose, should you Choose to Accept it, is to Embrace Your Own Soul & BE PURE LIGHT. Look for the TRUTH" ~SoTW💡] ... Thanks to James and ECETI - there's 2 angelic humans with pure light and magic soul energy, used to be Cobra, that SoTW follows... and that is, James Gilliland & Simon Parkes, (Alex Collier, but it's too complicated stuff) because they don't leave me high, don't leave me dry🏝️... Remember Cliff High and his followers, who tried to break the spirit of ECETI community? - 🛐IN REGARDS to this True and False Gurus or first time you encounter the “guru syndrome.” -- Cliff High,(Jay Weidner), verdensalt turned him/them down a looong time ago, Michael Horn and the Billy Meier group, never been a part of that, and James tells us Semjase, is also a biblical name we are warned to avoid as a deceiver. ECETI have even been called pot smoking drugged out hippies by Cliff High, a dangerous cult to avoid, Steven Greer has also jumped on this band wagon...⚔️ Cobra and Rob Potter had some hiccups, same goes for M45 AXEL COMMAND and others who misinterpreted the (cobra) messages given or will not follow a simple set of business code of conduct (whatever man🤔)... Benjamin Fulford and Neil Keenan are fighting... OOM2 ridicule Zap of Poofness, Corey and Dave Schmidt, all the time (sorry, but DinarGurus are money scammers and a joke)... Natural News and Dollarvigilante's bitcoin war on words (and many cancer-mafia trolls)... Wolf Spirit Radio vs. Connecting Consciousness... The many attempts to break Divine Cosmos... Attack on The GoldFish Report Blog... Censorship by YouTube and GG... and the list goes on (and on).... 💜YOU KNOW, I (used) to follow Divine Cosmos, big time, besides Cobra, all over the world, others like DarkJournalist, Alex Jones, Jeff Berwick's Dollar Vigilante, Neil Keenan, Dave Schmidt etc. etc. (Is your gut feeling and higher self, always right? Most of the times - yes!) ... 👨‍🏫LESSON : (besides the Money Monster) - Don't be discouraged of the drama from the simulation of the Matrix. Always stay connected to Source creator consciousness. Unfold your own path. Most importantly, understand that, the Ego, cannot go with you through Spiritual Awakening. The 'rulers' will always attempt to separate us all from unity consciousness in the dream stage and mind, where the Ego resides and cannot let go... AMEN.. Being kind to others is being kind to yourself.. So be it and so it is (SoTW aka verdensalt) ...🙏 |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience

The Latest from ECETI and James Gilliland 

The Great Awakening, Duplicity, Chaos and Polarity. 

We have spoken often of the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. We have spoken about the vibrational lifting, our solar system moving into a highly energized place in space never before experienced in recorded history. These waves of energy are increasing exponentially yet what is the end result? The end result is ascension, the end of draconian law the reign of the archons replaced by Unity Consciousness and Universal Law. Knowing the end and knowing Creator/God/Great Spirit will always have its way brings solace to those on the path, those who can see underneath the chaos and why some chaos is necessary. It is part of the process. The wounds, traumas, wrong conclusions from past experiences both individual and collective are surfacing to be healed. Those who resist the awakening and healing are having the hardest time getting through these times. Those that want to hold on to the old paradigm, the separation game some of which is based on the lust for power and wealth, unbridled greed at the expense of Humanity and the Earth will have the hardest time making this shift. There is a balance between service to self and service to others. You have to take care of yourself or you won’t be able to take care of others. When you become enlightened you realize there are no others.

This brings us to social programming, our values, and just who we have allowed to lead us in the past. One would have to be totally ignorant, in denial, blind lacking all critical thinking not to admit our past political leadership has been a total fail since Kennedy was president. Those who were behind the coup and assassination have been running the show after the assassination and are still running the show. A big part of that show is social engineering through controlling the corporate owned lame stream media. The controllers are referred to as the Deep State yet who holds the purse strings financing the Deep State? Could it be a global elite? The net question we need to ask is could there be unseen forces manipulating the global elite as well as their deep state puppets. Could it be possible there is so much inhumanity on Earth because of non-human interference? Most are not ready to go down that rabbit hole yet the enlightened see with different eyes, feel with a different heart. Let’s look at the religious institutions, have they brought peace, do they focus on taking care of the sick those less fortunate? Do they empower people to make their own personal God connection? Do they promote fear, guilt and unworthiness attitudes and emotions that take people further away from the source? What was the third prophecy of Fatima? Was it a stern warning to the Catholic church to change its ways?

Do business institutions provide a service, are they beneficial to Humanity and the Earth or are they focused primarily on profit at any expense? Is health care a business designed for profit? Does the Hippocratic Oath still apply? With vaccines full of mercury, nagalase which shuts down your ability to assimilate vitamin D destroying your immune system, and now cancer genes found within the vaccines how can that promote health? It is a surefire method to keep the cancer and other industries going. A slow kill designed to empty your wallet on the way out.

Exposed! Cancer Industry Profits 'Locked In' by Nagalase Molecule Injected Via Vaccine

The New York Times just released an article stating live polio virus is in the vaccines, the polio cases doubled after the vaccines. In India they had 12 to 24 cases of polio after the vaccines they had 45,000 and counting in which India’s government have some serious questions for the Gates Foundation. Polio has had a surge in Africa, the Philippines, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and globally. Some say directly tied to the vaccinations, yet if you question this they say how dare you interfere, analyze our vaccines taking no personal responsibility for the damage they have done.

Contaminated Polio Vaccine Given To Children In UP, Probe Ordered

It like giving smallpox infested blankets to the Indians and saying at least their warm. The AMA released their statistics and found people have a 400% better chance of living longer even remission without chemotherapy. How can you walk through a children’s cancer ward, see the suffering knowing there are suppressed natural and energy non-invasive painless cures? So why do we support and continue with any of this? Because of social engineering, lies and deceptions promoted mostly by corporate owned main stream media backed by a global elite that obviously does not have your health and wellbeing first and foremost, they have another agenda. Profit and population control. There is no other answer judging by the action and end result. Is this conspiracy? No this is base logic.

Yet the herd follows willingly right into the kill pen. Allopathic medicine has failed miserably on the whole in providing health and longevity. More are killed or injured by allopathic medicine than any war. Sound harsh? Brutal honesty usually does sound harsh especially when it dictates changes people do not want to make. Taking personal responsibility for one’s support and actions within a corrupt sometimes deadly system is not a path those dependent on that system will take. The problem is personal responsibility whether taken or not does not relieve one of their karmic liability. That karmic liability is a debt that cannot be ignored or avoided. The awakening and healing or vibrational lifting is accelerating karma. The time between action and reaction is accelerating. It is written all the iniquities will be shouted from the roof tops and no rock will be left unturned. Those rocks we have buried our past deeds out of alignment with Universal Law are being rolled away for all to see by an unimaginable consciousness and energy or force few can fathom. It is observable, measurable, and increasing exponentially. Your ancestors knew about these cycles. The Mayans call it the 9th wave, the Aquarian age and we are well into it.

I can deliver a never fail prophecy that change is in your future. Social, Economic, and Physical. Considering the influx of energy coming into the planet and how it affects the bioelectric fields of Humanity, the Earth and all life it is a given. Responsibility is the ability to respond not to social consciousness but to the soul. The soul is awakening, the spell of social engineering is lifting. Those who have suppressed and enslaved Humanity are being seen for who they are and what they have done. The world of opposites we have been living in is coming to a close. The masks are coming down, the veils are being lifted. When all is said and done many icons and idols will fall. Telepathy and direct knowing will take down the dis-informers, enslavers and those with selfish and ill intent. The unknown will be made known. I am directly addressing this to the pathological liars, agenda driven talking heads called main stream news anchors. To those who are in integrity you have our full support. If it is not your coat don’t wear it.

Yes, we do have free will and that is to choose the downward spiral into social, economic and environmental collapse, or to rise to the occasion and flow with the ascension process choosing Unity Consciousness and Universal Law. Resistance is futile. There is only one cure for unconscious or conscious actions detrimental to others or the Earth, “karma”. It is forgiveness and a life dedicated in service to others. Can you forgive yourself, others for participating in cocreation, take personal responsibility, remove yourself from the disempowering victim role? Do you know what living a life of impeccable integrity is? Can you release the past and move forward aligned with Unity Consciousness, Universal Law, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love/ Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All? It is mandatory if you are going to be frequency specific to the Earth’s ascension.

Permission granted to spread this far and wide unaltered.

James Gilliland

Eceti Stargate YouTube

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