Dec 2, 2019

🎭 ~ πŸ’— INTERNATIONAL BANKERS SHOULD REPENT OR GO TO HELL πŸ’• ~ (Paradoxman316) ~ | Blogger: Forget about (hell) it doesn't exist, only in part of a 3-D matrix of illusion (reptilian AI veil/matrix/web/grid/net) ... Ron Van Dyke aka Paradoxman316 broadcasts daily Youtube videos about our Evolution, Revaluation, based on Spirituality and Awakening (and much more)... |

INTERNATIONAL BANKERS SHOULD REPENT OR GO TO HELL Like many of us, I can detect the man behind the curtain; or in this case, those who have been pulling the financial strings in this world of wars and deception. The founders of the unlawful Federal Reserve in USA, INC. are masters of the scam; and all of humanity has been their victim. It has been going on for so long, most cannot connect the dots or even see them. It requires thinking outside the box and escaping the mindset of ignorance so pervasive on this planet. I watched an interesting video: Re-Learning Math with Scott Flansburg, the Human Calculator. He said we forgot the zero; and the calendar should have 13 months with the first day of the year being zero on the winter solstice. Could something so straight forward be a clue in the great deception put forth by fallen angels? Could there really be 13 4-week months in a year as he suggests? Could we really be born free and enslaved by money masters? One thing seems certain to me: we have been deceived for a very long time, beginning with the money scam and perhaps even changing our calendars and clocks so that we don’t know the time or date. As Bertrand Russell once said: "Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do." And George Orwell said: "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it."

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