Dec 8, 2019

🤫 ~ How To Keep Your Spiritual Stealth Missions Quiet (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🌱Just In Time Disclosure. Verdensalt Are Proud To Announce How You Access The THC in DENMARK💎] ... {👐The Tachyon Chamber is designed for human evolution only🌹] ... Strangely enough, Cobra has not put Denmark on the map at latest message by May 15, 2019, or anywhere else, so after a trial period of 1 year time, I have pushed and been allowed by the danish steering board, to reveal the location and how you access it. BY THE WAY, it's totally free to use, yes, only runned by donations (service by heart💓)... There's STILL things i'm not allow to talk about in details, because you know, that someone else is listening in. Sorry to be so cryptic about it... I can DISCLOSURE however, the planetary network of Tachyon Healing Chambers is being supervised by Cobra, locals to enforce it and supported by Pleiadians and other cosmic civilizations of Light. You can now schedule Tachyon healing sessions worldwide... Here's ONE version, how to explain THC, but it's a totally individual experience: A Tachyon Chamber is a portal that delivers tachyon energy to the human body. Using advanced, Pleiadian technology that configures sacred geometry, noble metals, and crystals embedded with “wormhole technology,” the Chamber attracts tachyon particles from beyond “near Earth orbit” and funnels them directly into the person occupying the Chamber. The effects of Tachyon Chamber sessions are permanent. Each session experience is very individual, from enhancement of their general energy field, increased feelings of well-being, greater emotional and mental clarity, and increasing ease with physical issues etc. etc. ... 'Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened'... With that i mean, if you're really, really serious and pushed by your guides, and would like to know about or wish to try a Tachyon healing chamber, there's ways to make an appointment, for locally interests and a wider, in depth information source is already given and provided in my own local language, just seek, and ye shall find... 🗒️ NOTE: MedBeds, Star Trek's replicators, time machines, quantum teleportation technologies and other high-tech space rocket systems (Quantum Vacuum & Zero Point Energy), laser satellites and Direct Energy Weapon (which have been traded with other extraterrestrial civilizations for 70 years, etc. etc.) has NOTHING to do with tachyon energy. The THC is a place of healing your body, not a cure, and anyone who are familiar with angelic healing or crystal healing and chakras, understand, what it's all about (very simplified version of understanding) ...🛎️ PS: Please be aware, other companies provide services to similar Tachyon healing products, which is not originated from Pleiadians starbrothers and starsisters (that's acc. to Cobra)... 👛DONATIONS: The Personal Home Tachyon Chamber is VERY expense, heating, prep etc. but we got an amazing (danish) sponsor, and team behind it to operate it, do it for FREE. Come and try it, it's really something else. You could contact verdensalt (SoTW) to get more info... WELCOME... 🙏 |

👉DENMARK: Hårlev, Køgevej 6, 4652 contact

Official danish (language in danish) welcome page:

Denne hjemmeside er under udarbejdelse (

Vi er en gruppe der er dedikeret til at udbrede kendskabet til tachyon energi og dens healende egenskaber, samt information om de omstændigheder der hæmmer den enkeltes mulighed for selvhelbredelse og selvbestemmelse.

Det er vores mål at tilvejebringe information om de kræfter der undertrykker, manipulerer og sygeliggøre os, så vi på den måde får skabt en højere fælles bevidsthed, der vil resulterer i en bedre livskvalitet med frihed og sundhed til alle.

Hvad er tachyon / tachyoner?

De er subatomiske partikler, som indeholder det fulde spektrum af åndeligt lys. De var de allerførste partikler, der blev skabt fra kilden, i begyndelsen af ​​dette univers. Derfor er de en direkte forbindelse med kilden, og de overfører den sande oprindelige plan for skabelsen. Dette omfatter den oprindelige tegning af hver enkelt af os, fra vores sjæl (som er en del af Kilden).

Tachyoner eksisterer altid samtidigt på alle planer, fysiske, æteriske, astrale osv. Lys bærer information, sandhed, og når vi har de rigtige oplysninger, kan hele vores væsen, alle vores kroppe (fysiske, astrale osv.) tilpasses denne sandhed. Derfor kan tachyoner indlede helbredelse af en sygdom, fysisk, mentalt, følelsesmæssigt osv. Da Tachyoner bevæger sig hurtigere end lys, ser de ud til at formindske entropien af ​​fysisk materie. På grund af dette kan det omdanne aldringsprocessen og styrke immunforsvaret.

Det er Kildens vilje at helbrede hele skabelsen, derfor er alt forpligtet til at blive genforbundet med Kilden og blive helbredt. Dette afhænger dog stadig af, at hver enkelt persons beslutninger om fri vilje er i overensstemmelse med kildens-oprindelige form på alle aspekter, dette er den vigtigste faktor, der bestemmer helbredelsens hastighed. Kilden har også udstedt dekret om, at det ikke længere er muligt at afbryde sin oprindelige plan for meget, i det omfang at være i mørke og onde, så alt ondt og mørke bliver nu gradvist fjernet og omdannet til Lys uanset den frie vilje hos dem, der er involveret i mørke aktiviteter.

Tachyoner har en ekstraordinær helbredende og harmoniserende effekt. De kan fuldstændig harmonisere alle energifelter, der er resultatet af tyngdekraft, elektromagnetisme og svag atomkraft. Dette afspejler praktisk talt på mange måder. Tachyon energi harmoniserer og opliver energimatrixen, som former alle ting og dermed også vores mentale, følelsesmæssige, æteriske og fysiske legemer. Alt dette har stor betydning for vores fysiske sundhed og trivsel. Da det harmonerer alle elektromagnetiske emissioner, er det også en fremragende beskyttelse mod alle former for elektroforurening.... (...).... 

PS: (blogger:)
  • There's a free forum you could join by asking the web admin
  • Lots of information & if you also wish to place crystal & sacred stone in the ground (on dark places to evoke pure light), like cintamani stones (Tibetan Quartz (whitish crystal), morganite crystal (pinkish crystal), there's guidelines and map of cintamani grid in Denmark...
  • Documents and link on the page, is important, because it only references to original Cobra sites
  • We truly miss YOU to share some experiences and of course we're happy to receive donations... 💜 

Tachyon Healing Chamber 

(official cobra site & from link at the latest Situation Update) 

Pleiadians and other cosmic civilizations of Light use tachyons as basic source of energy: as hyperdrive energy source for their spaceships by creating hyperspace wormholes, for healing, information transmission and for other purposes. Tachyon belt that represents the border between the entropic and syntropic universe is now surrounding our planet. High energy cosmic rays enter this Solar system from interstellar space and carry tachyons with them. Some of these tachyons reach the surface of our planet through a hyperdimensional wormhole that we have created with a quartz oscillator crystal aboard Genesis II spacecraft and these tachyons can be utilized in our Tachyon healing chamber that we have developed in cooperation with the Pleiadians. This special Tachyon chamber enables the arrival of tachyons from higher dimensions into physical matter.
Tachyons have an extraordinary healing and harmonizing effect. They can harmonize completely all energy fields that are result of gravity, electromagnetism and weak nuclear force. This reflects practically in multitude of ways. Tachyon energy harmonizes and enlivens the energy matrix which shapes all matter and thus also our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. All this affects greatly our physical health and well-being. Since it harmonizes all electromagnetic emissions it is also an excellent protection against all forms of electrosmog. A healing session inside the Tachyon chamber takes 20 minutes and has irreversible positive effects on all aspects of our being.

Pleiadian Tachyon Healing Chamber is custom made according to your specifications and can be used as the most advanced healing technology for spas and healing centers. Price upon request. Flexible financing plan is available. Please allow 3 months for construction and delivery.

A planetary network of Tachyon Healing Chambers is being built. You can now schedule Tachyon healing sessions worldwide.

North America:
Waynesboro, Virginia, USA contact
Eagle Butte, South Dakota, USA contact
Scottsburg, Oregon, USA contact
Petaluma, California, USA contact
Los Angeles, California, USA contact
Sedona, Arizona, USA contact
Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada contact
Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada contact
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada contact

Stein am Rhein, Switzerland contact
London, UK contact
NorthWest, UK contact
Ljubljana, Slovenia contact
Kerepes, Hungary contact
Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic contact
Glauchau, Germany contact
Letschin, Germany contact
Eifel, Germany contact

Chiang Mai, Thailand, contact
New Taipei City, Taiwan contact
Hsinchu, Taiwan contact
Taichung City, Taiwan contact
Tanzi District, Taiwan contact
Huwei Township, Taiwan contact
Tokyo, Japan contact
Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan contact
Osaka, Japan contact
Saitama, Japan contact
Chigasaki, Kanagawa, Japan contact
Sendai, Miyagi, Japan contact
Ibara-shi, Okayama, Japan contact
Yonago, Tottori, Japan contact
Nonoichi, Ishikawa, Japan contact
Nomi-shi, Ishikawa, Japan contact
Beijing, China contact 578178260@qq.comChengdu, China contact
Chengdu, China contact lightportal@qq.comShanghai, China contact
Shenyang, China contact
Huizhou, China contact
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia contact

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