Sep 9, 2019

👼 ~ 💓 Have you ever felt this powerful? (Matt Kahn) 💕 ~ | .. Excerpts from Newsletter .. |

Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher, mystic, and intuitive healer. His spontaneous awakening arose from an out-of-the-body experience at the age of 8, and his direct experiences with Ascended Masters and Archangel throughout his life. Matt serves as a bridge between the mysterious empires and the journey of awakening. Many spiritual seekers have experienced amazing, inexplicable physical and emotional healings, and have awakened their true nature through Matt's deep and loving teachings and transmission of holy heart wisdom. Matt and Julie offer their clear intuitive guidance and loving presence, removing all perceptions of obstacles in your life and too energetic to support you through all aspects of the spiritual journey and experience of awakening.

Dear Beautiful,

The power of a person's beliefs can be measured by the compassion, courage, and consciousness of their actions. If anyone's actions lack a depth of compassion, courage, or consciousness, then the beliefs they hold to be true may only limit their ideas and disempower their behavior.
What limiting belief has held you back from being your most compassionate, courageous, and conscious self?
Perhaps this question can expressed as a journal entry, or even as a topic of discussion with close friends. Can we also take the next step of embracing that part of us which cries out for loving attention through unconscious or self-destructive behavior?

No matter how little or how much love we are able to offer our most disempowered aspects of self, may we love ourselves more, and judge ourselves less — every step of the way.

Please enjoy each section of this deeply-healing newsletter, as a companion for your journey ahead.

All For Love,

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