Sep 28, 2019

🦅 ~ The Eagle's Nest Has Landed In DK (Again): Ex-President Obama 'Obummer', Bummer - a Homosexual Communist Muslim Married to a Man ~ | Blogger: [☝️ He promised to work towards getting rid of that grand Orwellian lie of the "Patriot" Act, protect government whistleblowers, reign in government and corporate abuses of Citizens; reign in wealth and income inequality, and has actually done precisely the opposite. Despite Obama being a Democrat, his policy is considered pretty right-wing. He's deported more Mexicans than any Republican President and sent multiple drone strikes to bomb. He's the first black president. His mother is white and his father is black (explains everything). Most importantly, he's a puppet for the Illuminati and all the danish businessmen of danish freemasonry with politicians are buying tickets for DKK 10.000, just to listen to lies from Keynesian Barry Soetoro & his male bride, Michelle aka Michael about LGBT ☝️] ... {Coming to a city near you to rip you off (from the truth)} ... Obama's birth certificate is also a forgery. Well, guys i'm sorry.. But verdensalt is about telling the TRUTH and NOT being scared in HIDING... I have nothing against any religion, care about gender equality and the next traumatized personality disorder or MK ultra victim, but you, yes YOU, need to look at the facts... I offer a non-partisan, multi-denominational dialogue on values, spirituality, and governance guided by my inner belief system and pray everyday to my ancient ascended masters to receive more intel to get to the TRUTH... 🛐 Trump may be laughable, verdensalt still thinks Obama became a slave of the 'system', keeping that third density pot boiling, the Illuminati were able to derail or dilute everything he wanted to do for his country and the world, and he made compromises or complied with their demands because of death threats to his family and primary supporters. Neither Trump or The Obamas / Clintons / Bushes are no Christian or Muslim Messiah, but Trump, has pushed the Cabal / Illuminati up into a corner, whether you like it or not, being insane of the true-Self, false-self and ego, he's supported by benevolent souls, who want to see the world change, to a peaceful place in the universe... |

On September 28, 2019 - exactly one year after his visit to SDU in Kolding - former US President Barack Obama visited the Music House in Aalborg. Here he spoke to 1300 audiences in the large concert hall of the music house before leaving North Jutland again and flew to Germany after a few hours of visiting.


DID YOU KNOW, that Kolding Municipality, STILL continues to darken the Obama process: Refuses to disclose information despite loss of supervision (the regional appeals boards )... Obama did WARNED Danish authorities, that he would not come to visit, if they disclosed, ANYTHING, about his contract... Even though, you can easily google 'Obama' and result will be round about 2.5 million kroner, to hold this kind of lecture given in Kolding of September, 2018... 
The day when gay Barry Soetoro a.k.a. Barack Obama, had both feet on the ground on the soil in Jutland, Denmark's largest peninsula, the day that a danish special police and military operation, took place and closed the island of Zealand, near the capital of Copenhagen, with hundreds and thousands of people, being affected, by this incident!!! Just like Gotham City in Batman movies...


His name really is Barry Soetoro - so says Barack Obama

Barack Hussein Obama, Remain Alert to His Background

Probable U. S. Presidential Candidate Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to Barack Hussein Obama Sr., a Black Muslim from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a White Athiest from Wichita, Kansas. Obama's Parents met at the University of Hawaii. WhenObama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. His Mother then marriedLoto Soetoro, a radical Muslim from Indenosia. 

When Obama was six years old, the family relocated to Indenosia. Obama attended a Muslimschool in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic School. Obama takes great care to conceal the Fact that He is a MUSLIM. He is quick to point out that He was once a Muslim, But that He also attended Catholic School. Obama's Political Handlers are attempting to make itappear that Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education. 

Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Osama was enrolledin a wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the radical teachng that is followed by the muslim terroristswho are now waging Jihad against the western world. Since it ispolitically expedient to be a christian when seeking major public office in the United States, Barak Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his muslim background. Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.

President Obama and His Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel: Members of Same Chicago Gay Bath House

Kolding Kommune fortsætter mørklægning af Obama-forløb : Nægter at udlevere oplysninger på trods af tabt tilsynssag

Ashtar: Obama Is Not Done, And Is Just Getting Started, He Is A Galactic Personality

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