Aug 7, 2019

🏴‍☠️ ~ Denmark reconsidering EU defense opt-out after meeting with Macron (Verdensalt Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: [💡En vaskeægte glødepærekonspiration!!. Det er første gang i 36 år, at en fransk præsident besøger Danmark. Hvordan Danske Bank og de gyldne seks "Too Big to Fail" banker overlever, uden mentale men, og hvordan en monster storbank, bestyrer dansk politik, erhvervslivet og investmentbanker, får fortjeneste på danske realkreditinstitutter som agere gebyrgribbe og de 750 millarder store skatteindtjening, som Staten driver ind via borgerne. Hvordan Israel og Kongehuset velsigner. Hvorfor besøgte Macron Krudttønden? Hvad fik Løkke ud af besøget? Tour de France til Danmark og Marcon's godkendelse af et Rothschild, Barack Obama og den Mørke Stat hos de amerikanske demokrater og Israel's igangsat Falsk Flag på Krudttønden?😓] ... 🔫 💣🔥 I am not crazy... I am not a nut job... I don't wear tinfoil hats... QUIT Calling me names... If you think is a cartoon character from looney tunes, that's fine by me 🤪... "The all-seeing eye that understands nothing, but i don't believe in coincidences" ... (How Rothschild Conquered Denmark and NATO: The Central Bank. Goldman Sachs. Investment Banks) ... [READ MORE] ... |

Denmark's prime minister, Lars Loekke Rasmussen, told France's Macron that he wanted to »increase« defense cooperation with the EU »immediately«. He cited »"changing" trans-Atlantic relations, alluding to US President Trump«

FACTS:🚩 (Emmanuel Macron – rothschild’s choice for president of france:) -- Emmanuel Macron can be called the most unusual candidate for president of France. He has no real political experience. He has not been elected anywhere before. He is not a member of any of the leading parties and the three years (2006 to 2009) in socialist ranks can be considered a formality; Macron joined them “officially” but did not pay dues and did not attended party events. By profession, Macron is an investment banker specializing in mergers and acquisitions and was successful in his career ... 

CONSPIRATORIAL FACTS: 🚩(Why is Denmark important for Cabal Banksters ??) -- Here is 3D matrix of illuion of why's: The Danish mortgage finance system has been a mainstay of the economy for literally hundred s of years and has performed well in extremely difficult circumstances. Danish covered bonds backed by mortgage loans are: of high credit quality; very liquid; and among the best & largest investment alternatives to government bonds in the world... Covered bonds backed by mortgage loans totaled nearly €360 billion at the end of 2013, second only to Spain (just over €400 billion) in aggregate amount. The stock of covered bonds is equivalent to 143 percent of GDP, more than four times as large as in any other country. The covered bond market is also nearly four times larger than the Danish government debt market ... 

CONSPIRATORIAL INDISPUTABLE FACTS: 🚩 (Was All Terrorist Attack False Flag on France?) -- Suspicion is growing in the alternative media that the January 7, 2015 attacks on the Paris headquarters of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo did not unfold the way the mainstream media would like us all to believe. Many knowledgeable sources are questioning whether or not France is being targeted by Israel since its lower house last month voted to recognize Palestine, which allowed the occupied state to become part of the International Criminal Court, with the power to hold the Zionist state responsible for genocide ... 

CONSPIRATORIAL FACTS: 🚩 -- (The FBI Not Only Allowed a Terrorist Attack to Occur, but Encouraged It - Must See Video and Documentation) 🏴‍☠️(May 2015 in Garland, Texas) 🏴‍☠️ -- Before you reject this storyline, this is AIRED from your beloved Mainstream media (MSM) Center of Fox News Network (In-your-face) .. hmmm ... Can you see how easy it was for the FBI to allowed a terrorist attack to occur??.. Keeps me wondering about 2015 Copenhagen shootings (Krudttønden - meaning "The powder keg " - a.k.a. The British Gunpowder Plot of 1605) and how EASY the PET/Danish Secret Service, 'could' do the same thing.. It's a indisputable facts, that The Danish Home Guard (Danish: Hjemmeværnet-HJV), The Danish Police and maybe, PET (Danish National Intelligence and Security Authority), and (Denmark–Israel relations), allowed and conducted a similar drill or terror exercise, just before it happened at Krudttønden, 14–15 February 2015 ... 

👉O-M-G!!!!! OHHHHHHHHH 😱😱😱... I just looked this up on wikipedia: DENMARK - ""Swedish artist Lars Vilks is often described as the main target because of his ""drawings of Muhammad""(Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein swore fidelity to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi)

👉👉TEXAS: ""The incident was the jihadist attack on the "“Draw Mohammed” free-speech event in Garland, Texas, in 2015"" (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attack plot)



HOW US/ISRAEL USE ZIONISM AT THE DANISH GREAT SYNAGOGUE AND LOBBYING IN DANISH PARLIAMENT... just did a 'sloppy' presentation ... You be the judge ... |

    Did the FBI allow the 'Draw Muhammad' attack to happen?

    Fox News: A security guard injured in the 2015 attack says in lawsuit that he learned months later that an FBI agent had been undercover in the terror cell that carried out the attack. #Tucker 

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