Aug 18, 2019

👼 💗 ~ Be a Tuning Fork (Paul Selig) ~ 💕 |

Now get this, everybody. You all have the ability to become a tuning fork for the higher frequencies. You are intended to do this. So now we ask you to decide if you are willing to claim your abilities at a higher frequency that will amount to a complete transformation of how you understand your perspective in the physical realm.

You have to say on a certain level that “I will allow myself to begin to experience my experience in a dimensional way that exceeds the limitations that I was told I was allowed to have.” When you say, “Yes” to this, you actually unlock a door in perception, in the perception of other realms of experience. And they can begin to address you through your consciousness.

Paul Selig – I am the Word
A channeled text

— with Alexandra Ropota.

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