Jul 18, 2019

🔴 ~ Chinese military deploys armored vehicles to Europe for the first time as Chinese medics train in Germany (businessinsider) ~ | Blogger: [😲WHAAAAAT!!? Germany in Cahoots with China! German had a similar Military Drill in China, last year! Why is this a BIG STORY!?--Skipping of the almighty Petro-Dollar💵] ... {Is China a Communist, Confucian or capitalist country? Who cares, it's all about Chinese tech giant Huawei, flooding the World with 5G tech}... WELL, first of all, we had to listen to Scandinavian leaders, dumb us down, that Russia, is COMING to KILL YOU (fake news) for years (they're coming to take me away, Ha-Haaa!)... “Russia Invades the EU!”--A German TV host was serious when he stated that Russia had invaded the EU. Later, he explained that he was only trying to raise awareness about the Russian threat and the values of the North Atlantic Alliance (all about boosting NATO, create FEAR and Start WARS)... China in Germany is very, very unusual, but there's a reason... GERMANY is going to break out of the dollar and debt market, once and for all. They can only do that with countries in Brics. US expels Turkey from F-35 fighter jet programme, is the END OF NATO. The Turkish Armed Forces collectively rank as the second largest standing military force in NATO, after the U.S. Armed Forces... MANY countries are saying NO to the US Dollar, IMF, FED and Central Banks hundreds of years of "Debt-trap diplomacy" with the government borrowing-interest rate death spiral (not to forget the $23 trillion U.S. debt system) ... The Golden Age is coming back and all the countries, like Denmark, who are TRAPPED to the dollar manipulated Rothschild empire, are going to fall, if they don't change course... With the UK/US/Iran/Israel tensions at the Strait of Hormuz off Iran’s coast, and oil tankers conflict, the dollar is going to take a beating, trade woes hit Asian stocks, and Europe's only dream--Escaping the Dictatorship of the Dollar.. "you can take that to the bank!"... |

Chinese armored medical vehicles arriving in Germany Germany military (Bundeswehr)
  • China has deployed personnel and armored medical vehicles to Germany for joint exercises, a first for the Chinese military.
  • The drill is focused on responding to humanitarian crises, such as an outbreak of a deadly disease, a situation Chinese People's Liberation Army paramedics have encountered in Africa.
  • The combined exercise comes as China tries to forge stronger military-to-military ties with Europe, as well as give its armed forces a little breathing room to operate and protect Chinese interests abroad.
BREAKING! “Russia Invades the EU!” German Fake News Makes Up Imaginary Russian Incursion!

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