Jun 14, 2019

💸Folkets Avis | ~ Her forsvinder 45 milliarder kroner sporløst – og de ansatte går tidligt på weekend ~ | (Eng ) European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) are not to concerned over €6 billion are going missing each year in the EU system. In the meanwhile, employees go early on weekend from the mirror-windowed "OLAF building" in Brussels .. | Blogger: AS WE SPEAK : "EU finance ministers are discussing all night how the conditions for a new euro budget should be, but still unresolved.. "The question is about where the money should come from and whether non-euro area countries should contribute to the euro zone budget or whether funding should be secured with a special tax. according to Ritzau"... (verdensalt) Soooo. In other words, the BANKSTERS are discussing how a hard Brexit will cost EU countries €40 billion annually, trying to lure other non-EU countries to pay up, to keep EU flooding, since it's already bankrupt? The most powerful family of Europe, the Rothschilds have joined forces with the most powerful family of America, the Rockefellers, in a super-multi-billion-dollar deal that greatly expands the influence of both families. THEY are the ones in charge over EU!?... |

Det er umuligt at se ind gennem spejlruderne i "OLAF-bygningen" i Bruxelles.
Lars Bjørknæs har besøgt OLAF, EU's antisvindel-enhed i Bruxelles. Læs hans beretning her.

Det er fredag formiddag ved 11-tiden i slutningen af maj. Folkets Avis er taget til den centrale del af Bruxelles, for at opsøge nogle af de embedsmænd, der arbejder med at finde frem til mange af de penge, som hvert år noget nær sporløst forsvinder ud af EU's system.

Og for blandt andet at spørge ind til, hvorvidt de gør deres arbejde godt nok, når nu systemet fremstår hullet som en si.

For det er bestemt ikke småpenge, vi taler om. Opgørelser udarbejdet af EU-systemet selv viser nemlig, at der hvert eneste år er 45 milliarder kroner, der ikke kan redegøre for.


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