May 2, 2019

WND | ~ 515 news outlets targeted for blacklist, including WND, Drudge ~ | Blogger: Som nævnt tidligere; " Indtil videre har det regeringsvenlige embedsapparat, overbetalte bforskere, medkompetanter, PET, FE og Google Gestapo Politi ville fjerne, følgende (nogle allerede væk): "24Nyt", "Den Korte Avis", "NewSpeek", "Folkets Avis", "Dagens", "Døgnets", "DkDoxTV", "Nyheder24" og "Digitale Nyheder / Krammet"... Jeg vil medgive, at nogle af disse er særdeles hadefulde (fremmedhadende medier) - et forsøg for at få den helt store afskræk- kende effekt i (radikale) muslimske miljøer og har en bestemt agenda"... LÆS VIDERE... | | ~ Junk news: Mange nye netmedier manipulerer, vildleder og stjæler fra andre ~ |

The non-profit journalism group the Poynter Institute published a list of 515 media sites – including WND, Breitbart News and Drudge – that it wants blacklisted and shut down.

Poynter claims on its “About” page that “it champions freedom of expression,” noted Breitbart News Editor-at-Large John Nolte.

But it describes its list as an “index of unreliable news sites” and calls for advertisers to put the sites out of business.

Facebook, as WND reported, commissioned Poynter to approve the organizations it uses to fact check “fake news,” which include the Associated Press,, PolitiFact and Snopes.

Poynter, in its introduction of its “UnNews index,” hopes the list will be “useful for advertisers that want to stop funding misinformation.”

“Advertisers don’t want to support publishers that might tar their brand with hate speech, falsehoods or some kinds of political messaging – but too often, they have little choice in the matter,” says Poynter.

“Most ad-tech dashboards make it hard for businesses to prevent their ads from appearing on (and funding) disreputable sites. Marketers can create blacklists, but many of those lists have been out-of-date or incomplete.


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