May 5, 2019

Lifesitenews | ~ CNN promotes adults who ‘transition’ from human species to identify as mermaids ~ | .. The past several years have seen an uptick in people who “identify” as members of the opposite sex, different ages, and even other species, and now apparently mythical creatures. CNN recently published a profile on the global trend of “mermaiding,” through which one wears custom mermaid tails over his legs for gatherings, photography, swimming, and even conventions .. | Blogger: [👸5G - Artemis (Goddess Diana) - Depopulation📱] ... No wonder why our kids are 'confused' about gender identity... Sweden adds gender-neutral pronoun to dictionary (HEN) and Denmark must adopt consent based rape laws... George Soros funding the rise of #MeToo in effort to unseat Trump... Qatar’s 2022 World Cup ‘vagina stadium’ is finally unveiled after being ridiculed by fans... Apple's headquarters - and the 5G device that is a reverse uterus... David Icke about Lady Diana killed in Goddess Diana Tunnel... Trust me - it's all connected...😔... But. but.. always use your own spiritual discernment, reading my blog... You are your own truth-center and judge... |

Depopulation - see link - with pictures of Apple's headquarters - and the 5G device that is a reverse uterus: 

David Icke about Lady Diana killed in Goddess Diana Tunnel Paris:

Artemis was the daughter of Leto and Zeus, and the twin of Apollo. She is the goddess of the wilderness, the hunt and wild animals, and fertility. She is the helpers of midwives as a goddess of birth.

ARTEMIS was the Greek goddess of FERTILITY AND CHILDBIRTH. What a bizarre coincidence.
Apple’s Cupertino headquarters

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