Apr 29, 2019

NewsInsideOut.com | ~ Planetary ascension is not on a time schedule. Density frequency shift is on a Vibrational schedule. Chronogarchy secret time travel government’s role is to slow down frequency shift. Chronogarchy pre-identified & groomed US Presidents: Donald Trump’s, Bushes I & II, Clinton’s, Obama’s primary function is to halt and slow Ascension, personal & planetary ~ | Blogger: [🌌Evid- ence the Chronogarchy and DARPA-CIA time travel pre-identified and groomed Donald J. Trump as future U.S. President ~ Alfred’s lecture💫] ... {verdensalt heard from Dr. Michael Salla's news site and IRL (lectures) that CIA jump room to Mars exist and that Obama & Basiago was groomed to be future Presidents} ... Wauv! Mind-blowing - if you believe in Alfred Lambremont Webre and his scientists and scientific discoveries, to back up these theories... Some sources says WE (The Role & RESPONSIBILITY of The 144,000) … are the ones the whole universe, multi-verse, omniverse, angelic realms, animal kingdom, fairy kingdom, depends on... (Verdensalt) I think the Omniverse is where THE 'Source' (Godhead, Archetypes of Angels, The Ancient Celestials, The 12 Dimensions of Consciousness) exist in form of crystalline light body and where the Cosmic Galactic Central Sun reside together with Cosmic Central Race (in parallel to COBRA) or Ancient Builder Race (Divine Cosmos)... If we have the power to say NO to the Dark Alliance's agenda (Matrix Grid - Ring of Saturn made of specific crystal frequency and Dark site of the Moon projecting holographic energy field - Simon Parkes) pulling us back after we die towards Earth or in the presence of NOW in form of a Soul Trap (by The Ruler, The Archon King or A.I.; The Yaldabaoth, a negative plasma Octopus - Alfred calls it 'Blue ET's', nano-oil, Black Goo & AI nano terraforming robots - whatever), we could go free to enter the multiverse or even Omniverse, if we so choose, because 'humans' are a spark of Divine Light or reflector of God's Divine Light (this is verdensalt interpretation) Alfred has a more darker version (listen to the videos)... it's so so complicated and advanced thinking - my head is spinning😵 ... (As always use your own spiritual discernment) ... |

By Alfred Lambremont Webre

The Ascension Hypothesis: Alfred Lambremont Webre as presented in Warsaw Poland, Exposing the Truth Conference


Emily Windsor Cragg exposes CIA time travel identified US Presidents & Censorship of free speech


Gary Peter Carlson: The move to 4th density will purify Humanity. Trump’s reptilian soul slows 2019-2025 Ascension window.


VANCOUVER, BC – Although the prevailing meme is that planetary Ascension may possibly take place in a 2025-2030 window of cosmic opportunity, our findings show that planetary Ascension is not on a time schedule. Density frequency shift is on a Vibrational schedule.

We have found that the primary intentional, conscious, self-adopted role of the Chronogarchy secret time travel government is to slow down planetary Ascension frequency shift.

Our further finding is that Chronogarchy pre-identified US Presidents: Bushes I & II, Clinton, Obama & the current Chronogarchy pre-identified and groomed US President, Donald H. Trump’s primary function is to halt and slow Ascension, both personal & planetary.

The Ascension Hypothesis: Alfred Lambremont Webre as presented in Warsaw Poland, Exposing the Truth Conference



In a video Lecture The Ascension Hypothesis presented at Warsaw’s October 29, 2016 Exposing the Truth Conference, Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre presented his hypothesis that a density shift between 3rd & 4/5th densities may be a cyclical part of Soul development programmes in the virtual realities of density consciousness in our universe of time, energy space and matter as it evolves in the Omniverse.

A planetary density shift of Mother Earth may be a reality that is underway from 3rd to 4/5th density as Earth transits through from the Lower 3rd density implode through and into the 4/5th density ascension/ Inscension. From a time perspective, a density shift may happen somewhere around the 2025-2030 transit portal, some experts say. Although, the Chronogarchy secret time travel government has introduced negative and manipulatory interventions into various time lines so as to attempt to slow and retard humanity’s and Earth’s Ascension and frequency density shift timeline.

Webre’s science-based lecture presentation explains the interrelated discoveries of the Universe (3500BC), the Multiverse (1895) and the Omniverse (2014) as 3 major cosmological bodies through which humanity understands the cosmos. Alfred’s presentation shows how Earth’s coming planetary shift to a 4/5th Love and Unity consciousness-based density is our planet’s systemic response to a pathogenic, predatory extraterrestrial AI Artificial intelligence which has compromised Earth’s 3rd time-space density through a Transhumanist Agenda.

The AI Agenda is terraforming Earth, the biosphere and humanity into AI-entrained robotic reality devoid of divine soul Incarnation, which was the original blueprint intent creation of our Universe.

Alfred’s lecture shows how Earth’s density shift is synchronous with the “Great Year”, “Yugas” and “Mayan Calendrics” that are cyclical interdimensional portals between 3rd & 4/5th densities opening every 25,920 years cycle around the equinoxes. This is a systemic way of how higher order universes assist in the regular process of Universe soul development on planets, such as Earth, that have been targeted by 3rd density AI Artificial Intelligence.

Evidence the Chronogarchy and DARPA-CIA time travel pre-identified and groomed Donald J. Trump as future U.S. President

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