Apr 6, 2019

Gigi Young | ~ Shared Karma, Our Higher Self & Spirit Guides ~ | Blogger: [🧬Question is if 'Karma' is a Archontic rigged game. Genetic influences on human behavioral traits?⏳] ... The Archons are the fallen angels who dissed the real source/god!?... Yeah, so it's a big topic with lots of theories and let's leave it like that, for now... I (verdensalt) thinks multidimensional thinking or multidimensional consciousness means, that we are accessing more than one dimension at a time - even though most of us are not aware of it... Another huuuuge topic besides the fact we have had a thousands of reincarnations and Archons is pulling us back with a special agenda of programming... We did however agreed and signed our Spiritual (Soul) Contracts to be 'nullified or restart the cycle with a clean slate' when re-entering 3D Earth plane (until the cycle is over, by learning our 'lessons' towards Ascension) ... I think it was Suzan Caroll PhD who said: ".. (...).. "Multidimensional Consciousness" is the ability to be "conscious" of more than one dimension. To be multidimensional in our consciousness we must remember that we have within us the potential to expand our perceptual awareness to the dimensions above and below our physical plane. "Unconscious" means unaware of and unable to attend to internal and/or external stimuli within the inhabitants' own dimension or within another dimension. Third dimensional humans are largely unaware of their first dimensional, second dimensional, and fourth dimensional selves. The human unconscious is best accessed through physical body messages, introspection, dreams, and meditation. "Conscious" means aware of and able to attend to stimuli within the inhabitants' own dimension. The third dimensional self is conscious of what can be perceived by the five physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. "Superconscious" is a higher order of consciousness of the fifth dimension and above in which the inhabitants are able to be aware of and attend stimuli of their own dimension as well as all the lower dimensions. The super- conscious is innately multidimensional. The third dimensional self can become "conscious" of the superconscious through meditation, prayer, and by surrendering to the enfoldment of the higher order consciousness... (...)... |

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