Apr 5, 2019

Cosmic Agency | ~ Taygetean Pleiadian Civilization (Part 2) - Extraterrestrial Life ~ | Blogger: [🌌Erra: Object Type: Twin Earth ⟺ Parent Star: Taygeta ⟺ Discovery Status: Confirmed.. In Pleiades there is a star known as Taygeta, orbiting around Taygeta we find planet Erra home world of some Pleiadian's. Erra is one of ten planets in the Taygeta star system ~ bibliotecapleyades]... No government at Taygeta.... Wooow... I want to go and live there!...πŸ€—πŸ’œπŸ˜Š Erra and her star, Taygeta, must be THE most astonishing place in the Universe... Each citizen is brought up as leaders, no conflicts, crimes, murders, violence, raping, stealing, fighting and no judicial system... Murders not seen for thousands of years... Only males fighting over females, as usual. But it's impossible to compare to Earth problems, due to advanced thought-full telepathy and building up so much bad energy. Not even 'fake' Love is possible, only in rare occasions... No disorder or anxiety, but 'depression or mental meltdowns', but hardly every happens among the humanoids, but when it does happen, it could block vital energy or even kill them (takes me back to one of the episode of Star Trek Discovery and Spocks meltdown)... They live in small towns, mushroom-like buildings, with private ships on top... Homeschooling combining with collective schooling in a institution, but no hurry.. Each child has total recall at 13 years of age, remembering their past lives and how everything works... Ergo, the highest respecting & scared things-to-do is for children to play. Children is mostly hands-on-learning, to do whatever they feel like... Professions is like Earth, but most advanced due to Space Academy and even their spaceships, are also schools. Like everything is taught to everyone. e.g. all knowledge is available for everyone to learn, if they so chooses too... Arts is important, stellar navigations is literary, music... In the Taygeta star system, no need for re-calibration brains or usage of both left-brain and right-brain, its all blended as ONE... Native music is common on the planet or star, like techno blended with native american. Music is similar to Earth's and most appreciated on Taygeta. And it's because of the 'soul sharing seeding dynamic', that takes place. Why we on Earth have so much variety of music, is because Souls incarnate on Earth taking new ideas with them, seeding the planet...(END)... Oooh man...Swaruu, please take me there when i'm good and ready...Back to my home star system, with friends and family... so be it and so it is...πŸ™ |

This is chapter 17 of Chats with Swaruu, an extraterrestrial woman of Erra from Taygeta (Pleiades) (fifth density) with whom I was in contact in writing, talking about all kinds of topics that deal with our reality, spirituality, metaphysics, ancient history , extraterrestrial life, health, soul, technology, and much more.

In this series I am sharing with you what I learnt, and so, little by little, together we can get to understand more about who we are, where we come from, because we are here, and who our cosmic families are. We learn about how the reality that surrounds us works, and also, we become more familiar with the mechanics of the 3D Matrix.

And above all, we learn a lot about all the limiting beliefs that maintain the human population in the artificially placed Matrix, the 3D reality in which we are immersed. The key to becoming free is in you!

In this episode I talk with Swaruu about their civilization in Taygeta.

I want to give my eternal thanks to Swaruu for having patience and enthusiasm to spend time with me and explain so many topics of reality. It is the dream come true, and a great honor, to have been able to meet her. If you also want communication with star families, be patient, dreams are often fulfilled, and what we project, we attract!


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