Mar 7, 2019

GAOF | ~ Matthew Ward Speaks of Michael Jackson ~ | Blogger: Unbelievable harsh assessments and child sexual abuse allegations against Michael Jackson, for many, many years is regrettably beginning to take it's negative spiral ripple effect - worldwide. Firing up the launch pad of yet another #MeToo movement to ensure a swift and fast political lynching... Please remember, that Archons, feed off negative human emotions/energy and has implanted programs inside your body, by etheric / astral crystals. Those implants remove the memory of the prior incarnations and are the main reason why we mostly do not remember past lives, nor the Archon entities ruling the planet. Implants are somewhat poetically called the “veil of forgetfulness”. (there's of course a much deeper explanations to this)... The Arch- ons survival depends on draining and feeding off of your negative energy. These are the same negative spirits known by the Gnostics in ancient times as Archons and demons in today's biblical literature. They will literally die, when the uplink is terminated, we humans will stop fighting, avoid drama, practice self-love, height- ened empathy and compassion for our fellow human beings and dissolve our programs from those implants, and primary contracts removal... Keeping these love energies ongoing, that still are being generated from Michael Jackson amazing music, is raising the vibrations throughout the planet... Just think about it as in the movie Surrogates: People are living their lives remotely from the safety of their own homes via robotic surrogates, but one day, everything changed, like in our upcoming Ascension process or awakening Event... Just think about it, if we web-nuts, dormant sheeples or addicted from our 3D Matrix of illusion, would turn off our machines or iphones for good, get up and simply walk outside our very flats and just hug the next neighbor, no matter skin colour beliefs or religions, this world would be very different, and probably a better one, too...๐Ÿ’Œ |

Reader Aidan sent this in. While it’s true that this may not be “news”, it’s a lovely reminder of the Good, True and Beautiful in this world. We’re also gifted with a reminder of what takes place across the veil once the body is dropped.

Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, July 18, 2009

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. For one fleeting moment in the universal tapestry of eternity, hearts around the world unite in sympathy and compassion for the family of Michael Jackson in mourning the passing of that beautiful soul whose lifetime exemplified unconditional love.

That moment is much more than unified sorrow and remembrance of Michael’s internationally acclaimed talents and thrilling performances—his death inspired love to blaze in the peoples of Earth, and in that, his primary life mission was supremely successful.

The love energy still being generated is raising the vibrations throughout the planet.

For some individuals, it was a moment of getting past, even forgiving acts they believed he committed some years ago. At the time he was acquitted of those charges, I responded to readers’ doubts about the trial’s outcome: It was a fair and just verdict because Michael was innocent, the accusations against him were false.

I also said that all parties involved agreed prior to birth to play their respective roles, but the intensity of stress Michael endured greatly exceeded what he had agreed to experience for the benefit of his accusers’ soul growth. It was sad for us to witness how severely his heartbreaking ordeal affected his well being and ultimately caused him to transition into spirit life earlier than his contract called for.

To all who feel a loss, please be heartened by knowing that Michael was greeted in Nirvana by a throng of well-wishers and given personalized intensive care to quickly strengthen his etheric body—as an aspect of his physical body, it also suffered the ravages of debilitation.

(The referenced message is below.)

Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, June 21, 2005

Q ~ What do you think about Michael Jackson’s acquittal on all charges? Also, one of the several who asked that wants to know if he agreed to all of this.
A ~ Acquittal is the only fair and just decision that could have been rendered. Michael may have assumed appearances and conducted his life in ways that are “bizarre” in some minds, but he is innocent of the activities that he was accused of. The allegations and his trial provided US media-huggers with the kind of diversion that the political and economic manipulators create for their perennial smokescreen.
While all the principals in Michael’s life did agree to play their various roles—not just this incident but throughout his life—the severity of stress from this incident and its effects on his overall health greatly exceeded his soul contract.

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