Jan 20, 2019

verdensalt | ~ TV Show Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 - Questions and Notes from the Q Continuum ~ | Blogger: [🖖🏻MIC-SSP: Danish people are among the most sceptic in the world regarding UFO's and the REAL history of humanity etc., and properly thinks that e.g. Cobra, Corey Goode & Wilcock are liars, and likely to be the greatest inventors of spontaneous sci-fi since Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek), Ray Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451), Martinus Thomsen (Danish author, philosopher and mystic)🖖] ... (⚠️spoiler Alert⚠️:)... [Star Trek Discovery S2: E1 "brother"] - symbolism in the Q continuum and real life in MIC-SSP community (races of highly advanced beings that humans share earth and space with) ... 1. (13 min marker) politeness: mix humans and aliens working together, understand and sharing same hearth issues, in the elevator scene ... 2. (21 marker): Spiritual and rabbit hole symbolism: Mother reading to Michael Burhan as a child from Alice in wonderland - "which way do you wanna go"? Home, to Earth (SSP: Corporate off-world slave trade, interplanetary human trafficking) ... 3. Fully function cyborg or robot-looking crew member "Airiam" among the bridge crew (SSP: In this world there's no difference in looks between humanoid robot and humans) ... 4. The Red Angel Mystery: bringing Discovery & Enterprise together ... (43 marker) was Burhan saved by the red angel, before Pike showed up, from the pulsar vaporization asteroid? it has something to do with “seven red bursts” that have simultaneously popped up, spread out over 30,000 light years, but also involves a vision Burnham has of what looks like an actual red angel.. (Red Angel story: “And hidden there, a secret - just think about that MIC-SSP has already discovered, mined and exploited most or the greatest stars, planets and asteroids in our Milky Way and beyond) ... 5. (46 marker): 'A bridge to a potentially unlimited and 100-percent efficient energy source', 'volatile energy' says Sylvia Tilly & Burman. Are they talking about Avatar: 'Unobtanium'? A highly valuable mineral found on the moon Pandora. Humans mined unobtanium to save the Earth from its energy crisis? (I bet you MIC-SSP has already discovered an unlimited energy source and the earthly Nazionist Khazar- ian Mafia, as well in the 6000 secret patents) ... 6. (57 marker) ... Encoded message in the audio file from Spock - Why are Burham to late? What did she see in the star maps? ... |

Til dem som følger lidt med på sidelinjen, den rå mængde af pengetilførsel som 'black projects' har givet skyggeregeringen og militærkontraktere, så som Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, er blevet brugt i årtier gennem det hemmelige rumprogram (SSP) ~ verdensalt.dk 

2016, lækkede Edward Snowden oplysninger til Washington Post, at budgettet for "sorte projekter" var på $52.6 mia. kr.

Ifølge Corey Goode, findes der fem 'Alliance Grupper'..
  1. The Earth Alliance groups. 
  2. The Military-Industrial Complex Secret Space Program (MIC SSP) divisions. 
  3. The Secret Space Program Alliance. 
  4. The Inner-Earth Alliance. 
  5. The Sphere-Being Alliance.. 
Det militær-industrielle kompleks, interessefællesskabet og samarbejdet i USA mellem det militære apparat og de store virksomheder, så som RAND Corporation, kan man vel betagte som 'The Galactic Empire' i Star Wars sagaen eller Star Trek klingons, the Borgs m.fl.

Mange konspirationsteoretikere har mistanke om et udenjordisk cover-up, som daterer sig tilbage til Nazityskland, der indsamlede fremmede teknologier fra faldne ufoer og brugte dem til at bygge avancerede fly og rumfartøjer før og under Anden Verdenskrig, som derefter blev opbevaret i hemmelige underjordiske baser i Antarctica. 

Sydamerika og USA. Denne proces er kendt som 'reverse engineering', hvilket betyder at få design information og viden fra menneskeskabte produkter.. Tror slet ikke vi kan begribe hvor omfattende SSP programmet er og hvor højt avanceret teknologi der findes derude.. Hvis man nu tror på den slags.. |

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