Jan 19, 2019

Verdensalt \\ COBRA \\ SITSSHOW | ~ ASCENSION PROTOCOLS: Primary Contracts Removal Decree or Spiritual (Soul) Contracts Revocation ~ | Blogger: From Budapest 2018 and Brazil conference and more... |

Background - Burning Man Night - flower of life art - Verdensalt.dk
To come here you had to accept terms with the dark forces. An agreement that your consciousness will be limited and programmed. You have all signed this, but we have arrived to a moment of free will where we can choose to cancel them.

Those of you who have attacks have contracts from the past, if you cancel these contracts, attacks will stop.

In the name of my I AM That I AM
In the name of my Soul Presence
In the name of all the Light Forces

I now cancel and nullify all my agreements and contracts with the dark forces.
All these agreements and contracts are now null and void, regardless of their content, consequences and my sub-conscious programming
I now release all belief systems that I no longer need or do not serve my higher purpose.

With my free will, I now declare myself free from all influences of the dark forces, now and forever.
I now decree and command full conscious cooperation between myself and the Light Forces.
I now decree and command that my life is guided in full alignment with the Divine Plan.

I now decree and command that miracles manifest in my life in a way that will manifest happiness for me and everyone involved.

I declare and decree that I AM a Sovereign Being of Light.

So be it, and so it is!

Every time you do this you remove…

If you release past contracts, you will be protected and have more freedom of movement, but you have to go through this period of awakening, awake now to who you are, what life is about, sincere and honest, what your mission is and understand the planetary situation.

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