Jan 16, 2019

The Rumor Mill | ~ IMPORTANT - MUST SEE.....The Terrible Truth About "Ireland 2040" Human replacement ~ | .. By 2040, the island we share will be home to almost 8 million people. …planning for nearly 1.4 million extra people on this island .. | Blogger: Not seen the whole 2 hours, after 25 minutes it was not necessary in order for me to understand the underlying propaganda, programming, cultural erasure of first order and aims to import countless migrants into Ireland, largely from Africa, acc. to Stefan Molyneux ๐Ÿ˜ฎ... PS: They should have 'adopted' Danish People's Party and other non-socialist government reforms like Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 / Agenda 2050 / Proposal V38, and this would never happen (joke - not really funny, sad indeed) ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ ... |

Under Global Governance with the UN Migration Compact we went from being Personnel to being Human Resources, now we are all Human Capital.

YOU MUST SEE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Terrible Truth About "Ireland 2040"... Human replacement.


Not just in Ireland but across the Western world.

For nations, migration affects the most rudimentary pillar of sovereignty (national borders), the core of democratic political systems (human rights), and atavistic social needs (national identity)...but...receiving countries get a boost of human capital...

National, regional, occupational and length of employment human capital stock estimates for the UK, considering factors like education and demographics. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/wellbeing/articles/humancapitalestimates


Stefan Molyneux:

"Ireland 2040" is a 25 year Irish Government planning document which aims to import countless migrants into Ireland, largely from Africa. Stefan Molyneux, Host of Freedomain Radio, unpacks the horrifying social engineering at work in this plan, and details the effects of mass migration on Ireland so far.

"By 2040, we know that Ireland will be home to an additional one million people. We will need at least an extra 600,000 jobs and a half a million additional homes. Twenty years ago, we were a country of 3.5 million people; by 2040, that will be approaching 6 million people. Together with Northern Ireland, our island will have a population of around 8 million by 2040.

"Between now and 2040, our small but dynamic country will have to cope with enormous changes in social, economic, cultural and environmental terms. For example, the number of people over 65 will more than double by then, half the jobs that people will work at in 2040 may not even exist today and we are likely to be facing increased environmental and climate pressures." Around 6.6 million people live on the island of Ireland, 4.75 million people in Ireland (72% of total) and 1.85 million people in Northern Ireland (28% of total) (Census of population 2016/NISRA).

By 2040, the island we share will be home to almost 8 million people. …planning for nearly 1.4 million extra people on this island, their homes and places of work and the infrastructure required to support this growth, while at the same time ensuring good outcomes in terms of physical and community development and environmental quality, poses several shared challenges, including: Managing our growth strategically for long-term benefit in terms of economic and social development and environmental quality.

Working together for mutual advantage in areas such as economic development and promotion, co-ordination of social and physical infrastructure provision and environmental management. The National Planning Framework is the Government’s plan to cater for the extra one million people that will be living in Ireland, the additional two thirds of a million people working in Ireland and the half a million extra homes needed in Ireland by 2040... Audio: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneu...

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