Jan 24, 2019

Aluna Ash- 9D | ~ Energy Update 1/23 ~ | .. I am still taking a little time off but wanted to post this! .. The rainbow Event coming back around March 2019 .. We are moving back into galactic time, synchronistic order .. | Blogger: [♀️How to harness sexual energy for spiritual personally growth, healing, submit best intentions towards the universe during eclipses with tantric methods, that also 'could' awake, your kundalini♂️] .. Verdensalt are aware of tons of people attending, spending a lot of time, money at Ashrams, Yoga retreats and Mastery Workshops in The New Tantra (TNT) and kundalini activation sessions / workshops. ๐Ÿ“As of yesterday, i'll received a gift invitation of a 1-2 session of the old school kundalini activation process, from a danish acquaintance of mine, and looking forward to my own intense spiritual or transcendent experience.. This particular session i'm talking about, is very tuff and strong physically/emotional acupressure ritual, bypassing years of Indian mentally ashram preparations, which normally awaken the dormant kundalini energy, in a non-physically way, but i feel i'm ready. ๐Ÿค”So, why am i mentioning TNT & kundalini activations in one sensenstence?.. Well, like my american friend has told me and some of us (verdensalt not that lucky), who actually has a partner to get these unique experiences during tantra (or animalistic sex);๐Ÿ’ฌ'it is very beneficial to activate the kundalini energy during the last lunar eclipse meditation. We can do this by making love with our partner and reaching orgasmic levels during the first part of the meditation, while listening to the guided meditation and doing the visualizations of the meditation. It is very beneficial for women, especially, to have an orgasm at that moment. Men’s orgasm is also good but women’s is more important at that moment. Best if both'.. ๐Ÿ™‡ Aluna Ash is telling us, we can do many things on our own accord, even if we don't have a partner, but let me share, what my female danish acquaintance told me, during her own experience with her boyfriend, Sunday, the day before our Return of Light meditation.. This is what she told me, like a synchronicity with next day, Cobra article, called 'Bubbles of Heaven' and the soul family connections and the ANKH-symbol...'During sexual union with my husband, I folded my hands out like a bowl. A powerful light bulb turned into a light column that fired up from my hands. Mean- while, a voice said to me: "This is the Holy Grail! The association between the masculine and the feminine when it is perfectly balanced!'๐Ÿ™... |

Aluna Ash always explains more about these energy shifts that are now occurring in terms of the Collective Consciousness, Pole Shift, as well as for our Planet. And I especially appreciate that she mentions how we need to become responsible over our own thoughts and actions.

She also tells us we are preparing for something much bigger. There's lots more she shares that I feel can be beneficial for many ~ if nothing else, then timely reminders and reassurance.

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