Jul 31, 2018

Matrix World Disclosure | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ Story of Your Enslavement 2 ~ |

Lost In A World That Doesn`t Exist - Story of Your Enslavement Visit Us: https://matrixdisclosure.com Those who truly lead the planet are a group of extremely wealthy, well-organized people who never appear to everyone. From there, from anonymity, they bind and untie the course of things. Those who have heard of them call themselves World Eye or Illuminati. Who are these people? How are they organized? How do they lead the planet? What are your goals? There are questions that I am trying to answer in the following. From the highest imaginable level of power, these Illuminati, unknown to many, govern almost unhindered. They make laws and revolutions, they set up governments, they decide what countries are disappearing for others to take their place. They “fabricate” new ideologies and even religions. It is said that they created the capitalist order, they also created the communist one. They enforce the international military and economic treaties, they change political regimes and state presidents, as some simple parts of a car. Their working method is simple but effective and can be described in 3 steps: PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION.