Jul 31, 2018

Fortune.com | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ Runs in the Family: Jeff Bezos's Parents Might Also Be Ridiculously Rich ~ | .. Jeff Bezos' parents may be ridiculously rich on 12,000,000% return on early Amazon investment .. | Blogger: [💰"The world we exist in is fueled by power, greed, by the lust to have more, ... It's a world that's run by the power to contaminate others." 🤑] ... Kinda sad and very disturbing, that it's even possible, on Earth to get that rich, while others starve and die in the streets... They're not alone, Amazon's CEO became the first person to EVER have a net worth of $100 billion... We have our own billionaire in Denmark (many)... But one greedy of his kind is the CEO of Nets A/S, Bo Nilsson, 720 million DKK, in one big chunk of funny-money, by betting or cheating on his companies stocks (share options), just before a Børsintroduktion (IPO)... The top CEO of ISS, Eric Rylberg, got 80 million DKK last year in salary, bonus, pension and redemption of share options... etc. etc....

READ MORE: http://fortune.com/2018/07/31/jeff-bezos-family-investment-amazon/