Feb 12, 2018

The Washington Post | Feb 11, 2018 | The Trump administration wants to turn the International Space Station into a commercially run venture, NASA document shows | Blogger: So, Mr. Trump wants to privatize NASA and the universe - Isn't it already? Remember that Corey Goode just spoke about how surprised they were, finding NASA logo on some guys at one of the three secret LOC (alpha, bravo, tango) on the Moon. Among the many factions of SSP (Secret Space Program). NASA claimed to be on a excavation hunt of Ancient Aliens technology ... |

The White House wants to turn the International Space Station into a commercially run venture after 2024, according to an internal NASA document. (Elyse Samuels/The Washington Post

READ MORE: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2018/02/11/the-trump-administration-wants-to-turn-the-international-space-station-into-a-commercially-run-venture/?utm_term=.966ba05e637e