Dec 13, 2018

🔴 B.T. Nyheder | 29. Sep 2018 - 13. Dec 2018 | Archive | ~ DANISH VISIT 2019:  'AN INTIMATE CONVERSATION WITH MICHELLE OBAMA' ~ | Blogger: [👬The Day the Earth Stood Still. The gay couple, Mr. and Mrs. Barack and Michelle Obama. Price Tag = 2.5M DKK for 1 hour of lecture. Now, it's Michelle's turn, price = unknown🌈] ... (John 1:18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is Himself God and is at the Father's side, has made Him known) ... The day when gay Barry Soetoro a.k.a. Barack Obama, had both feet on the ground on the soil in Jutland, Denmark's largest peninsula, the day that a danish special police and military operation, took place and closed the island of Zealand, near the capital of Copenhagen, with hundreds and thousands of people, being affected, by this incident!!! Just like Gotham City in Batman movies... DID YOU KNOW, that Kolding Municipality, STILL continues to darken the Obama process: Refuses to disclose information despite loss of supervision (the regional appeals boards )... Obama did WARNED Danish authorities, that he would not come to visit, if they disclosed, ANYTHING, about his contract... Even though, you can easily google 'Obama' and result will be round about 2.5 million kroner, to hold this kind of lecture given in Kolding of September, 2018... |

Politiet jagter en eller flere personer - broer lukket, færger indstillet, tog holder stille 

... False Flags: Template for Terror 🎅🏿Santa Obummer Is Coming to Town. Get Ready for a Shakedown😨

(Denmark- Sleeping Beauty - is filled with con artists, money launderers, cheaters or hamsters with street gangs fighting, but police want to save us!?. From what!? The boogeyman!???)

... LET ME JUST POINT THIS OUT. NEVER, EVER in Denmark's history, has a overwhelming police force (SWAT), military and Danish Security and Intelligence Service been on a HIGHER national security alert when Barack Obama arrived and then SUDDENLY, closes Zealand, with hundreds and thousands of people, being affected, by this incident!!! Just like Gotham City in Batman movies...

Danes seems to be soooooo naive, submissive and shows self-destructive behavior and will let everything go, in the name of national security. That's good, NOT to fall into the angerpit and fearfulness.

Please do not fall into the matrix trap... NOTHING is what it seems... Have the police Incident Commanders / rescuers / special command center (KSN), told you any viable news - NOOO!!... Were they after Obummer!?

Just wondering when people will wake up and smell the coffee, made on cow poop🙄... 💡PS: ... It's funny that the Prime Minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, head of government in the Kingdom of Denmark (with Margrethe II of Denmark) has 'suddenly' turned down ex-president Barack Obama, visit to SDU in Kolding September 28, at a closed event. And of course the danish PM's special advisers has told him to stand down, cause they KNOW, what's going to happen.

In the meanwhile, people still living in the suppressed 3D Matrix of Illusion, has no clue and perhaps do not care...


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