RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - "Obsolete" - November 1, 2018
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)
The growing anti-EU movement in Europe is now reaching France.
Incriminating evidence is being gathered against Cabal-affiliated public officials.
This is a step that is being taken in order to justify their arrests to the sleeping public on 11/11/18 if they choose not to surrender.
All Cabal members will be sentenced to GITMO.
Soft disclosure of the upcoming stock market crash is now being made public.
The fiat financial system is being dismantled and exposed of how obsolete it is.
The crash is inevitable as it is being done deliberately in order to replace the fiat financial system with the new quantum financial system (QFS).
There is currently an on-going stock market war as the Cabal desperately attempt to hang on.
Meanwhile, currency holders continue to wait for the private redemption event (RV) to begin.