Oct 1, 2018

Verdensalt.dk | Archive | PFC \\ TZ | April 17, 2018 - Oct 1, 2018 | by Therese Zumi Sumner | ~ πŸ’— Isis Astara & Cobra πŸ’— ~ Just Stay Calm as the Chaos Seems to Grow ~ | Blogger: [⚠️Disclaimer: Verdensalt.dk (The Salt Of The Earth & Cosmos) is a portal to the alternative world and communities - building bridges between our divisions - to encourage discouraged people, that are looking for the light at the end of the tunnel. Verdensalt.dk do not follow just ONE guru / ONE belief system, but rather many spiritual awakening souls that are leading us towards the EVENT. Awakening is a destructive process of the mind - the Red pill Blue pill battle. Once we have said our goodbyes and parted ways to the Archons & the Reptilian agenda (the MATRIX), you will begin to realize, that your inner guidance is real and trustworthy and that's what matter.. Namaste!⚠️] ... Having said that, my heart goes to Mr. C's conference this April of 2018 (and the recent september weekend in Bucegi Mountains), one of the best EVER and quite important.. 2nd conference since last meet-up in 2015 with Isis Astara (may God bless her soul). The information, guided ceremony and initializations was soooooo powerful - i've never felt and seen anything like It... A dozen of the participants left in the city where the conference had taken place, was incredible lucky to be part of Mr. C's inner circle in a few hours going on a secret mission ... Victory of the Light!... |

Sisterhood of the Rose

Szent Korona ☨ The Crown Of Saint Stephen


πŸ’— Isis Astara & Cobra πŸ’— ~ Just Stay Calm as the Chaos Seems to Grow

TZ here: I have had some computer issues in the past week and not had access to posting here on PFC but all is resolved right now and I am reposting this blog post that I made on my blog on Saturday 14th April.

TZ here:
I was checking something out on You tube and discovered this video which I would like to share with you (with well known German musicians). Its a tribute to the Love between two souls like Cobra and Isis. On Jan 27th this year Cobra asked us to send our loving thoughts and prayers to Isis who was critically ill in hospital after a scalar attack by the cabal. (no names or groups mentioned ) from what I can see this recording was posted on January 28th and on January 29th Cobra sadly informed us of Isis passing over to the Light. The text is so beautiful – see english translation below video. Let us all strive to see the Light inside those we love and to cherish them even if they have not yet learned how to be in loving harmonious communication beyond ego – I have a ways to go myself I might add.

πŸ’— Isis Astara & Cobra πŸ’—

Let me just remind everyone that might not be aware of it that, without the dedicated amazing work of these two souls, I for one cannot see how we would ever have reached the place that we now find ourselves in. When things started really really getting out of hand for the dark ones, they attacked their favourite enemy of truth Cobra by attacking and murdering the woman that supported, worked with and loved him.