Oct 9, 2018

Asia Times | Oct 9, 2018 | ~ Has the derivatives volcano already begun to erupt? ~ | .. The risk remains that dollar credit will seize up globally, with disastrous consequen- ces for countries that have to borrow dollars to cover deficits .. The cure for the last crisis always turns into the cause of the next one. The economies of southern Europe – Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal – nearly collapsed in 2011, and Europe’s mone- tary authorities responded with negative interest rates. So did Japan. Europeans and Japanese pay to hold cash or own 10-year German government bonds, which means that every pension fund and insurer will fold in a finite time horizon. They responded by exporting more, saving more, and buying American assets that still pay a positive, if low, real yield .. | Blogger: 💰💸 ⇝ RT: ‘Biggest bubble in history of mankind’: Ron Paul says US stock market will soon plunge by 50% ⇜⇝ Michael Snyder: America Is Committing Suicide: Over The Past 12 Months, The U.S. National Debt Has Increased By 1.271 Trillion Dollars ⇜⇝ ATimes: ‘Great Depression’ ahead? IMF sounds dire warning Massive government debts and eroded fiscal buffers since 2008 suggest global dominos await a single market crash ⇜⇝ ZeroHedge: "The Crash Is Coming" - Fred Hickey Sees Gold Gains As "Money-Printing Never Works"... |

Stacks of one hundred US dollar banknotes, which may become more expensive for some. Photo: AFP/illustration
READ MORE: http://www.atimes.com/article/has-the-derivatives-volcano-already-begun-to-erupt/