Aug 30, 2018 | Archive | Beforeitsnews \\ Soren Dreier | July 13, 2016 - Aug 30, 2018 | ~ Denmark to Keep Iraq War Document Under Wraps ~ | Blogger: [🐰"To Protect and to Serve" - The Powers That Be - Under a False Cover Of Parliamentary immunityπŸ§™] ... - Unfortunately the article from Soren Dreier, is gone... 😟 Like the secret note, that supposedly was hidden in the secret vault of The Prime Minister's Office (Statsministeriet)... 😞 Vital informations that could help solve the fate of Danish prisoners is, according to the defense, disappeared... πŸ™Denmark 'violated the rules of war' in Iraq...😒 The closure of the Iraq Commission by the new Venstre government has provoked criticism and sparked accusations of a cover-up. With allegations of prisoner mistreatment emerging, does Denmark need to investigate its involvement in Iraq?... πŸ˜’ Danish forces involved in giving over detainees to abusive police... πŸ˜• 2018: Denmark Ready to Send More Troops to Iraq, Baltics at NATO's Request... πŸ‘Ώ (Links below from MSM news outlet to confirm the matter in hand) ... |

Mr. Rasmussen went along with Blair and Bush in an illegal war. Then he became Head of Nato. Then he spend his time warning Heads of States about Putin’s ‘bad’ intentions. Then he got promoted again to adviser to Ukraine’s Poroshenko. War is a great career choice.

Former NATO chief becomes adviser to Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko
Russian MPs say appointment of Anders Fogh Rasmussen as special adviser is a ‘hostile gesture’

The cozy shot:

Mr.Rasmussen the reptilian shot:
Denmark to Keep Iraq War Document Under Wraps

Denmark’s parliamentary ombudsman has confirmed that a secret note regarding the 2003 Iraq War, relating to a meeting between involving former Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, will be kept from public view.

In a near mirror image of last week’s publication of the Chilcot report in the United Kingdom, after which former British PM Tony Blair came in for strong criticism, the Danish document will be blocked from public access, leaving Rasmussen shielded from similar scrutiny.

After the publication of the Chilcot report, a large quantity of information, including records of communications between Blair and former U.S. President George W. Bush, has been made available for public download.

But a 14 year-old document written by Rasmussen in the lead-up to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 will not be released into the public domain, the Danish parliament’s ombudsman confirmed to Jyllands-Posten.